quail hound
Hell, up here in Montana, if I do not start getting some birds up in the first 100 yards, I start to think about heading to a new field. I cannot imagine walking section after section and only seeing a handfull of birds, I enjoy watching the dogs as much as the next guy, but a happy bird dog is a birdy bird dog....
I was never spoiled with birds like that. The dogs enjoy our hunting as much as I do even when birds are scarce and they never get discouraged. The old school guys were spoiled with birds and when they started disappearing they just quit hunting instead of trying to do something about it. We are cursed with over productive soil and weather around here. The farmers can get WW out in time to cut silage at least 3 times (corn and sudan) and only god and the farmers know how many cuttings of alf alfa they can get a year. Doesn't bode well for the birds when the land is that productive.