I have a 10 yo lab who has an enlarged heart. He is on meds and does great and even hunted this year. It was a beautiful day today in western Montana. My wife and I took him and my pup to the park. They were running like crazy but I was not overly concern. I looked up and Max was laying in the path. It has happened twice but he has recovered very quickly with rest. His cardiologist told me he will never drop dead but you may need to let him recover if he over does it. This was different. He was doing the agonal death breathing out but not in. I poked his eyes and no blinking. I told my wife he is dead. She was hysterical. I started chest comprensions for a minute and then blew hard into his nose. He sneezed, so I poked his eye again and he blinked. I told my wife to run as fast as she could to get the truck and drive it down the path blowing the horn and lights. She said you go back with the pup and I do it and I will stay with Max. As I left Max stood up and stumbled towards me. I went back and hugged him crying. After 15 minutes he was able to walk out. Of course his cardiologist office was closed but we will be there soon. He might be down to leash walks but we still have him. So please give us prayers and hug your dogs tonight. It felt good for me to write this to people who love their dogs. Thank you