How about those Twins!!


Well-known member
Haven't seen anything posted about the Twins lately. What a pathetic bunch of losers. Mauer included. Never suspected him to be a cry baby. You can't name one spot on that team that doesn't need to be filled. With all the holes where does one even start when thinking about 2012?

First place to start is to can Bill Smith, the GM. Then I think the entire coaching staff has to go clear on down to the trainer and conditioning coach. Gardy really disappointed me this year. I know, lots of injuries, etc. but Gardy doesn't have a clue on what to do. Right now all the guys from the minors are playing and they sure don't look ready for the Bigs.

I'm thinking we trade Mauer, Morneau, Lariano and a few others and get some guys that want to play baseball. And maybe play a little bit hurt. What a bunch of whiners we currently have. You think Cal Ripkin didn't play hurt many a season while setting the record for consecutive games?

I've been a staunch Twins fan since 1961 and it's really painful to see this team on the field.
i think maybe the loser royals are going to fight them off this year. We finally are starting to look up. Somebody finally decided to bring all the young kids up at once, and we have a good nucleus of young players. Now if we can get the tightass owner to cut loose with some money for some starting piching, we might be good in a couple of years. With the win over the twins last night, we can't lose 100 games. That is a freakin miracle in itself.
It has been a frustrating season for the Twins. I was a little frustrated with Mauer myself. I'll judge him as a player with how he responds next year. He better be getting stronger in the off season and working out the problems he has. I expect he'll be better next year.
Its time for Gardy to go. He's had 10 years to prove hes not capable to produce a championship team. Mauer is the biggest whinner on the team. What a spoiled little sissy hes proving to be. So long to him also.
I think it all starts with the ownership. Until the Polads are willing to pony up and at least try and provide the talent that is needed, the GM and the rest of the coaching staff are at the mercy of the lack of talent on the club. That being said.. trying to buy a championship doesn't always work, (although the Red Socks and Yankee's seemed to have faired well) so you have to find the right balance of chemistry and talent. All you have to do is look at the teams that are competing at the top each year and look at their rosters... it's not rocket science. Personally, I say start with getting the best pitching talent out their as good pitching will beat good hitting any day of the week.

They received a nice brand new state of the art ball park, now it's time to field a team that is competitive. Simple as that.
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I think the coach is ok just the players that got big contracts decided baseball ain't so important anymore. They really need to improve the farm clubs zero effort in getting players ready for the majors. How about them Royals massive improvement:)
Those Tigers sure are playing well, and you all are invited to root for us as we charge to the pennant, and beyond. :)
I've been cheering for 100 losses and it looks like I might be my wish. I figure with 100 losses and the worst record in the American League that the ownership will be unable to ignore the underlying problems and have to make some radical changes. Bye, bye Mr. Smith!
And hello number 1 draft pick... Glad I cancelled cable. More time to dwell on dogs, birds and well, you have to check in on the spouse and children from time to time.
when you have endured as many 100 game losses as i have as a fan of the Royals you become sort of numb to the whole thing. Someone in an earlier post mentioned spending money on the team such as the Yankees and Sox do. We will never compete payroll wise with those teams. Spend the money on scouts and minor league system (prospects) it is the only chance small market teams have. I find myself still watching the Royals even thought they are out of it. We have a great nucleus of young offensive players and can score a ton of runs. We also have a great defensive team. I don't know what the Twins look like as far as prospects go, but they need to get them up and get them some experience. I don't think the Royals are going to be the whipping boys they have been in the past.