Helo, my name is Kismet and I am a...


UPH Guru
compulsive old shotgun buyer.

I thought I was recovering, but I lapsed.

As soon as this one arrives, I'll go back to abstinence.



'60s AYA 12ga Matador, made for Sears, Roebuck and Company. Imp/mod.

Have a surfeit of shotguns, two sxs, lots of singles, couple of pumps, couple of Savage Model 24s in 20 and .410 over .22, and the season, now over, was vastly disappointing. AND STILL, in a moment of weakness, I filled in "bid now."

I'm so ashamed.

Happens to the best of us. I keep saying I have all the guns I will ever need. Then I find myself wanting to add yet another classic Winchester, Browning or the likes. I tell the wife, if I cack...and you decide to sell off my guns. Your going to have one heck of a nice auction. Wish I could be there..LOL

Congrats on the new purchase, will pics follow?

I'm waiting patiently for my new addition to arrive.
Thats funny
I always say I hope she never sells them for what I told her I paid for them:D

here's the GunBroker listing, with lots of pictures. Called the guy and talked with him; seems like a decent fellow.


I was working up a rationalization that I could sell the Stevens 5100 and this would cost next-to-nothing. Then I took the Stevens out, put some BLO on the wood, brought it up to my shoulder a couple of times, and am currently working on a new rationalization which will justify keeping both.


Nice find, only wish I could have raised the bid. Enjoy the new smokepole.
Here ya go onpoint. www.juliaauctions.com They have at 12 a5 shotguns going for auction. They have over 300 guns they are selling.
You're hooked, Kis . . . but in the good way.

And here I thought I'd type: I enjoy long walks in virgin fields, love the cackle & flush.

Turn-ons: SxS 28s, pointing dogs, . . . oops

wrong forum . . .

sorry folks . . .
You're hooked, Kis . . . but in the good way.

And here I thought I'd type: I enjoy long walks in virgin fields, love the cackle & flush.

Turn-ons: SxS 28s, pointing dogs, . . . oops

wrong forum . . .

sorry folks . . .

I think your on the wrong WEBSITE! :D
Well, the money's on the way, the FFL has been received, and I've looked up every internet post on AYA/Sears offering ever made.

While I won't know for sure until I've seen it, it now appears to be a good price for this shotgun--not a steal, but a good price. I should be able to get back what it cost should the time come that I will be selling it. That is not a current plan, however.

I'll look at some way to take out the pencil scribing on the action. Might be from some court case where they had to identify the gun for the court. Dunno.

Don't think I can do it without making it look worse, but I'll investigate.

To quote a favored movie: "Winter's long, this high up."

"you've done good, pilgram for one who has so many out for his hair."
The ring bulge would not illicit a lot of confidence in the rest of the scattergun and especially it's treatment or potential modification history, for me.
But, pretty low price and does look nice.
I reckon the odds are with you on that one.
I may be naive, but not concerned about the bulge (which I can't see). I'm betting it was steel shot in a plastic wad, refusing to compress at the choke.

When I was a young man, did some hunter-safety training in IL. One of the displays we used was a slide tray with images of catastrophic failures of guns with snow/mud/you-name-it blocked barrels.

Might have been a slug, but, oddly up here in WI where slugs were mandated up until 5 or 6 years ago, rarely saw or heard of a slug bulging a barrel...even the tighter chokes. They were inaccurate in a tight choke, but seemed to get through ok.


We'll see.

Foster slugs will not bulge even a full choke barrel, lest it would be supremely thin, old and poor steel...but I doubt it was a slug...the steel shot would seem the odds on.

I would only worry about a bulge in a SXS for the future barrel connection and if it can't be seen or felt then I would wonder even more of the mention...or if someone felt it wise to hone out the chokes a bit and move on.
As said tho, bet the gun works fine for you.
In a sixties era double don't rule out the possibility that someone fired traditional fiber wad ammo and one maybe poorly lubed, or caught in fouling, got stuck, and caused a ring bulge on a subsequent shot acting as a giant over-shot wad, jacking the pressure. It is a common ailment of the paper cartridge era and fiber wads. I assure you I have seen many, in L.C.Smiths, Parkers, and particularily Ithaca Flues single barrel trap guns. Lots of traditionalists reloading or buying paper shells with roll crimp overshot cards well into the early 70's. I still roll my own today. I sure take a look for daylight down the bore before reloading, have not had a sticker yet, but it's a matter of time. Lots of mildly ring bulged guns are shot without incident for years, I wouldn't be firing off 3" ers in it opting more for low velocity, and low pressure rounds. More fun to shoot anyway. A weakness of AYA's in field grades is the lockup, snapping the action closed, or firing heavy loads, will show significant wear faster than you might think, resulting in off face, and rotating bolt wear. By the way I have the same disease. I used to think spending 500.00 on a gun was looney, today I am dickering on an island lock, hammer Purdey, 12 ga. that weights 6 pounds and costs 10 times that! If there a cure I'd take it. But I've never owned a Purdey, I think everyone should, at least once, for a while.
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Got an email response from the seller, who also does gun work. I should get the shotgun next week.

I asked about the scribing on the gun, figuring I would make a bigger mess trying to buff it out than it appears now.

Here's his response:

In order to remove that etching, the receiver would have to be completely disassembled and it will have to be buffed down below the depth of the lettering. This will remove the color case hardening finish and the receiver can either be left bright or would need to be refinished. A lot of work for what little cosmetic damage has been done.

Figured. A shame, but hardly an issue.
OK, AYA 12 arrived. Pretty much as described. Nice gun. Not up to the standards of my AYA Matador II, but fine. Scribing is hard to see. It is just that I know it is there. :(

Was disheartened to see the barrels marked Mod/Full, emailed the guy on it, he said he measured and they were Imp/Mod. Wish he had mentioned that. Couldn't see the markings on his pictures.

Hope so. A friend has gauges to measure, if he can get up here.

It is out in the sun, letting the boiled linseed oil dry on the stock. Knocked a pigeon down today, so at least the right barrel works.

Couldn't get out to the local pay-for-bird place. They've been out of birds since January.

Now, if the neighbor will put his bull somewhere else, I'll get a fish net and go night-time pigeon hunting.

The dog needs the work and I want to play with the 50 year old shotgun.






OK, pictures are of the AYA Matador II 20ga I/M, the Stevens 5100 12ga M/F,
and the new-used AYA 12 ga (supposedly) I/M.

Thoughts: the Matador is just perfect for me. Always has been. The Stevens is a nice old working shotgun, and has better wood than the AYA 12ga. Other than that, the new AYA has more checkering--about the same as the Matador.

Unless the new gun really has the improved/modified chokes, the Stevens is as good, or better for me. I like the splinter foregrip more than the beavertail, I think it is a bit lighter. I haven't weighed them.

The Sears/AYA is a fine shotgun. I'll use it. It should be worth what I spent, including shipping and FFL, should I decide to sell it.
(Edit: Did the "dime drop" measurement in the Sears/AYA barrels. Dime went into free-fall in both, so, I'm going to presume barrels have been honed as said.)

The one thing it has done is to renew my affection for the 5100.

Oh, and the GB tie is because twice in 40 years the foregrip has dropped off the 20ga. Cheap insurance.

helluva thing, eh?
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Took the AYA/Sears 12 out for the first time today.

Nice gun. It came with a recoil pad which made the LOP a bit long for me, so I removed it. It settles in nicely now.

First time out with a 12 gauge this season. I had a "cardiac event" (boy they have stupid names for a heart attack) in September and wear out much more quickly than I did before. Been carrying the 20 sxs and single shots.

Thought about selling my heavier guns, and in general, reducing my shotgun inventory, mostly old guns which do wonderful things. :)

Looked up some prices...eh...I'll never get rich selling them.

What do you think? Should you sell guns as you see yourself slowing down/wearing out? Or should you just leave them to the estate after you die?

Oh, and looking up AYAs...there's a 12 on Gunbroker, #320512620 , which looks ok...some stuff about "rib extension" that I didn't understand, but...a lot of stuff falls into that category.

I seem to be having a lot of odd thoughts since the "event." Must be part of the package.

By the way, missed the one bird we popped today. :)