I find myself on both sides of the issue. I am and have been willing to pay higher out of state license fees for a quality product. Do I think a system like South Dakota, where residents get a huge break and non residents get treated like second class citizens, ( later opener, 10 day license, etc.) or North Dakota, ( non-residents can't hunt PLOT lands for a week or two, at the beginning of the season, paid for in part by Pitman-Robertson funds aka federal dollars we all pay), or heaven forbid Texas, where nobody hunts without paying a fortune to a private landowner, no I do not. Do I think there is room for an increase in Non Resident fees, absolutely. If Kansas can continue to provide a quality experience, with WIHA, then why not. Remember that the WIHA is paid for largely by grant money from the US Fish and Wildlife via Pittman Robertson Funds, taxes paid on guns, ammo, by everyone who buys retail, all over the country. Which is why there is reluctance to charge a higher fee, via stamp or permit to use the resource. Your Kansas tax dollars are not on the table, so it is actually the Nationwide Non Residents, most of whom don't ever even hunt in Kansas who actually support you! I'll be happy to support an increase in non-resident fees, along with and linked to a meaningful increase in resident fees as well. As far as biggame permits, charge what ever the non residents state would charge a Kansas Resident to hunt the same game. Meanwhile if you want to continue to have WIHA, you might want to hug a non resident, because the state of Kansas, sure didn't do it for you residents, and you benefit unequally in your favor.