My wife and I purchased a small chunk of ground next door to where we live now - farmland, waste, timber - we will build a house on it but I had the inkling before we bought it the lumber was worth some money.
Had a timber buyer come out and I inked a deal with them - simple one - they can harvest the walnuts and burr oaks - we get 60% of what they sell it for - as an incentive got a 5 figure down payment with no strings. Per a couple people I talked to this seems to be normal.
From the little info I can find on the outfit they seem to be legit and have worldwide buyers.
Anyways curious if anyone here has sold timber from their property -- also how it worked with taxes.
(***I'm not seeking tax advice and have an accountant I work with - he's researching the issue to be certain - but always curious of others real life experience -- mine thought it may be treated as a royalty - I would prefer a workaround and thinking I should just have my LLC paid)
TIA -- this is in KS if it matters.
Had a timber buyer come out and I inked a deal with them - simple one - they can harvest the walnuts and burr oaks - we get 60% of what they sell it for - as an incentive got a 5 figure down payment with no strings. Per a couple people I talked to this seems to be normal.
From the little info I can find on the outfit they seem to be legit and have worldwide buyers.
Anyways curious if anyone here has sold timber from their property -- also how it worked with taxes.
(***I'm not seeking tax advice and have an accountant I work with - he's researching the issue to be certain - but always curious of others real life experience -- mine thought it may be treated as a royalty - I would prefer a workaround and thinking I should just have my LLC paid)
TIA -- this is in KS if it matters.