hat required or no in PA?


New member
in PA 250 square inches of orange is required on back chest and head combined. i personally hate wearing hats, they make me itch and thats partially why i almost never go hunting. i do have an orange coat, thats significantly more than 250 square inches. so basically, if you up to/over 250 without a hat, do you NEED one? the only "hat" i can tolerate is a hard hat/ foresters helmet when i work, but i think id look a bit, well off if i wore one of them hunting lol.
what about a hood thats on a coat/jacket? at this rate looks like i'll just say fuck it and go without a hat and if i get ticketed bring it to court and say "well i had 250+ sq inches" or skip like ive done for too many years now.
well i figure it this way. i'll buy an orange under armour hoodie, which is well over 250, if i get caught with it down, take it to court and fight it, odds are i'll win. if i dont, i ball up the fine, throw it away and move out of state lol. or cry poverty since i have an income of 0. knowing PA they will make it hard on me, like they do with everything to everyone else.
or i can always get an ear pieces, and put a piece of bright orange surveying ribbon through the hole lol. would cover much square inch, but would be "legal" lol
to a point its bull. if you have 250 square inches, why should a hat be required? i know quite a few people who dont even wear them hunting because they cant stand them. also hats kinda kill your vertical view. and if you like/tolerate wearing hats, thats great for you, but i cant. they make me itch and annoy the hell out of me and usually give me a headache. also please dont bash me for not liking or even being able to wear them
I would think wearing a hood would kill your peripheral view. I always wear a hat and I've never had a problem with losing my vertical view. Maybe a blaze beanie is the answer.
well i figure it this way. i'll buy an orange under armour hoodie, which is well over 250, if i get caught with it down, take it to court and fight it, odds are i'll win. if i dont, i ball up the fine, throw it away and move out of state lol. or cry poverty since i have an income of 0. knowing PA they will make it hard on me, like they do with everything to everyone else.

I have found the PGC to be reasonable folks...sticklers at times and most often if the person involved with them in any violation-ish situation carries an attitude.
They can use color exemplars even with blaze orange meeting the 250 if they wish....I believe that one mouthy attorney pushed a bit too far and got dinged with that very issue.

Balling up fines is a poor attitude as is any assumption that the COs make it hard on everything and everyone.
Hating hats smacks of pushing an anti-PGC or Pa agenda more than anything.
Having hunted numerous states, the PGC and it's blessings of land and funding manner do an admirably fine job.....hunt elsewhere and the differences will be clear.

As to hats or caps or toboggans...I reckon something will work when colored orange...if that is an actual problem.
Folks today often get annoyed a bit too easily and are almost birdy in finding reasons to complain.
A lawyer on uplandjournal was ticked for taking his hat off to walk down a road after hunting while he was still carrying his gun. The warden gave him a lot of trouble over taking the hat off early and because the hat was faded. This happened in Pa. If I remember right he got it dropped in court.

Get a soft hat like a filson wildfowl or stormy kromer that properly fits.
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Orange hats aren't a law for upland hunting in KS, but they are required for anybody hunting with me.:eek: Not trying to be a jerk, but that's my policy and the reason is because I want to know where everybody is at all times. If somebody in a vest turns sideways or walks through heavy cover, you can pretty easily lose sight of them. But I can always pick up that orange blob in my peripheral vision, no matter what way they are turned or how thick or tall the grass is. That's reassuring...

Hope you can figure out something that works for you.

well i figure it this way. i'll buy an orange under armour hoodie, which is well over 250, if i get caught with it down, take it to court and fight it, odds are i'll win. if i dont, i ball up the fine, throw it away and move out of state lol. or cry poverty since i have an income of 0. knowing PA they will make it hard on me, like they do with everything to everyone else.

Just plead ignorance and lack of mental capacity---(let the judge read your posts)---
well david id like to start out by saying i do not appreciate that last comment, although a bit funny to some i do not appreciate it. and atleast i wear orange. so tomorrow im gonna go try and get my limit ( a whole 2 pheasants in PA) and have a good time. thank you for all your answers, most of them are truely appreciated. hopefully tomorrow i'll be able to post a picture or 2 of my dinner.
actually i decided on this. tomorrow before i go hunting i'll drive to walmart which is on the way to the land im going to. i will buy a knit type orange hat. and i'll keep it with em and if i get any crap i'll just put it on, and if they still wanna fine me i'll call my lawyer. simple as that. because with my luck some city idiot will call game commission on me on their way out when they dont even have a license.