I was out at Eckman's near Baldwin City yesterday, and Mike was grumbling about all the rain. Said they'd had 14 inches this month.
In other news, my dogs have forgotten how to hunt and I've forgotten how to shoot
The reports I am getting from my friend cutting milo is they are seeing quite a few pheasants. He said they are seeing more quail then he has ever seen. The best tidbit was they saw the most pheasants and quail in my milo south of Dighton. The milo yields are as good as he has ever had.
Thought I'd save everyone the trouble.
Knock yourself out, mine is private and well posted and a neighbor watches it so I am not worried. Extra pressure will push more birds off WIHA and other ground to mine. South of Dighton also covers a pretty big area.
Very self serving attitude. May not affect you, but could affect others not as fortunate as you, who through years of efforts might have found a nice public spot or two.
Poor form.
Harvest nearing completion around Dodge. A few fields of late milo that likely will still be standing for the opener, other than that it will be all stubble.