Harvest Progress

I do hope the weather gets better for the opener, I may be going to Kansas instead of S.D. because the guys I was going with can not make it now, the economy and Kansas is a little closer than S.D. and with diesel at $2.65 a gallon and only me paying for it, well Kansas is looking more economical. Guess I had better make friends with a farmer with a tracor in case I get stuck out whee ithe ground isnot as hard as it may look.:) Hope all have a great hunting season. Try to take a kid if you can, remember what it was like your first time out. I don't know who is more excited, me or the GSPs
Farmers in Stevens, Seward have the hammer down trying to get the corn out. Yields seem good, but there is still a gazillion tons to cut through out Seward, Haskell, Finney so cross your fingers for good weather if you are going to SW Kansas.
Not much corn left in Ford County, but the combines are really hitting the milo fields in Ford and Hodgeman Counties today. Long days and short nights for the harvesters at the moment.
Just spoke to step-mom and she said that dad was out cutting milo Saturday and Sunday. 2-1/2 circles down and at least 3 dry-land strips to go. If it doesn't rain today, they'll probably have it all out by the opener. However, she said the clouds are hanging pretty low and there is moisture in the air. If the sun doesn't burn it off, it will put them back one more day, but there is still a chance it will be out. Point is, at least not ALL of the crops will be in for the opener. If they get 50% out, we'll be in good shape. The forecasted temps have dropped for the W/E also. Looks like it shaping up to be a good one!!:cheers: 3.5 more dreadful days of work (clock watching) until I'm in pheasant country!!!
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Get'r done

GREAT NEWS on the harvest... hope my farmer in La Crosse gets the milo out. KSBrittany send me pics of you dogs I would like to see her if she looks like Ellie. Also you should check out a book called the Rufus Croniciles by CW Gusewelle....great book about a brittany and he is also my pups grandfather.

GREAT NEWS on the harvest... hope my farmer in La Crosse gets the milo out. KSBrittany send me pics of you dogs I would like to see her if she looks like Ellie. Also you should check out a book called the Rufus Croniciles by CW Gusewelle....great book about a brittany and he is also my pups grandfather.


I'm sure they're just as close in LaCrosse as they are where my dad lives. The weather hasn't been much different. I will send you a pic when I get my computer working at home AND learn how to size the darn things. I'm tellin' ya, our dogs are like twins. I will act on your book recommendation. Thanks.
YIPPIE! Just spoke to step-mom and she said that dad was out cutting milo Saturday and Sunday. 2-1/2 circles down and at least 3 dry-land strips to go. If it doesn't rain today, they'll probably have it all out by the opener. However, she said the clouds are hanging pretty low and there is moisture in the air. If the sun doesn't burn it off, it will put them back one more day, but there is still a chance it will be out. Point is, at least not ALL of the crops will be in for the opener. If they get 50% out, we'll be in good shape. The forecasted temps have dropped for the W/E also. Looks like it shaping up to be a good one!!:cheers: 3.5 more dreadful days of work (clock watching) until I'm in pheasant country!!!

:eek:Nevermind, according to the radar, it is raining out there right now:( Oh well, at least some of the crops will be out, which is better than none!

Kick them up,

I think it's raining in LaCrosse too.
Yesterday and last night I had 1.50"

The rain seemed pretty general. I was in Hays last evening and there was moisture there.

Should be no excuse that the dogs can't smell the birds because it is too dry.
can anyone advise on the status on crop removal in the hugoton/ liberal area. Im hoping there is more crops out of the fields than there was last year.
Three Day Left Im Super Excited!
I just lost some of the wind from my sails. I had to make 1 more call out W after checking the weather and noticing 87% humidity. For those of you that don't know, this means the milo/corn harvest has come to a screeching hault in that particular area. I feel fortuntate that at least some of the crops are out this year; I don't think any fields had been cut by the opener last year. Another positive note; it shouldn't be 75 degrees this year!

corn and milo Hugoton/Liberal area

Most of the corn is out although there are some areas where cutting is still in progress. But there is still lots of milo to be cut. I think there will be lots of birds in the uncut milo. My stratregy will to be to stay in and around corn fields and away from the milo.


I also just have to make it thru tomorrow. Called in BLIND for friday ( I just can't see myself coming in to work). Heading out early to scout by plainville and osbourne. Our ranch hacienda is in between hays and plainville so I hunt up north some too. I saw on the forecast that 40% chance of ran sunday in La Crosse, but who cares it beats stilling at home. That brings me to my question for the season. What does a real hunter do in adverse conditions....WE HUNT HARDER!!!! NOW LET KICK'EM UP BOYS!!!!
it sounds like kick em up has a case of anal glaucoma similar to mine... as in come Friday my a$$ aint going to be seeing ya.
The birds seem to sit well during a rain. It wears on me and tends to make me tire quickly, but when the birds sit well, I can usually finish early (hate it when that happens!).
I drove back home yesterday from SW Nebraska (via I70 and I35) and got to see a lot of the state's harvest progress West and NW Kansas is farther along then the rest of the state (that I saw) in the harvest, almost all the corn is out and I would say 60% of the milo is out and the combines were busy busy. The farther east I drove the more uncut crops I saw and then we hit rain east of Russell which will slow things even more. Depending on if they get more rain I would say that the majority of the milo will be out in West and NW areas by the weekend.
Overcast all day with drizzle. Dense fog this morning and again this evening.

Bring waterproof boots.
Western Kansas

Ulysses area has most of the corn picked, some milo cut but elevators have their dryers full so farmers can only haul dry milo to the elevator. That and the humidity are making milo harvest slow. Grass is good, cover is abundant but uncut milo will be a problem. Not as bad a last year but places will hunt better at Thanksgiving.

Yea ha! 14th is almost here. :)