Halloween Week Trip


Active member
I usually go to South Dakota the week of Thanksgiving but I have more days off then I know what to do with so I decided to take a week off and go to South Dakota. I have to say, we did really well this year. My dad and I have 2 black labs and they hunted their hearts out. We stayed at the Super 8 in Chamberlain and just drove up to hour or so from there. Sometimes hour and a half. We don't mind driving. In the past we have stayed in Mitchell but we decided to try a base in Chamberlain to see how it went. Here is my report:

Tuesday 31 - We hunted south of the Interstate between Chamberlain and Mitchell. We got our limit that day and we were done around 4:00. We got one bird in a GPA, we got 3 birds walking ditches, and we got 2 birds walking WPA. It was a well balanced approach. I know some of you don't like hunting ditches but when we could find a good looking ditch next to cut corn we gave it a try and it worked well for us. It gives us a chance to rest the dogs a little bit and only use one at a time. It also gives the hunter a chance to take a break in the middle of the day.

Wednesday 1 - We hunted north of the interstate between Chamberlain and Mitchell. We should've had a limit but ended up with 5. We hunted a WPA and only got 1 bird out of there. We hunted some other areas but couldn't really find any birds so we found some WIA that looked decent and they were cutting corn in the field next to it and were able to find birds. We shot 5 birds in that WIA but the dogs couldn't find that last bird. While we actually shot a limit, only ended up with 5 birds that day.

Thursday 2 - We hunted south of the interstate again and we limited out at 2:00 PM. We hunted some WPA, GPA, and WIA and did good. We got 3 birds in one WPA and 3 in another WPA. It was nice to finish a little early and have some down time to relax.

Friday 3 - We went back north of the interstate and ended up with only 4 birds. We should've had our limit but came up a little short. That's OK. I missed some really easy shots. We hunted a full day right up until the shooting time ended around 6:20 PM.

Saturday 4 - This was our last day hunting and we went south of the interstate again and we got really lucky and had our limit at 12:45 PM. Found 3 birds in one area and 3 in the second area. This was nice because we were able to hit the road and make it to Casper, WY to spend the night and finish the drive on Sunday.

Some observations on my part, I believe south of the interstate had more birds. When I look at the moisture website it indicates south of interstate received more moisture to it made sense to me. Still a lot of uncut corn out there which made it harder to find birds. I just felt south of the interstate was further along with the harvest than north but maybe that was my imagination Somebody in a different post said there was a lot of corn around woonsocket and I saw that too. The combines were out cutting though so hopefully this week and next they will wrap up a lot of the corn harvest. Some of the fields north of the interstate had a lot of standing water in them and I heard the week before they got a couple inches of rain and this made sense. I also talked to a farmer north of the interstate and he said the moisture wasn't there in the middle of the summer and they lost a lot of chicks. This kind of made sense to me because a lot of the birds we shot were definitely older birds with long spurs. Overall my dad and I brought home 27 birds and it could've easily been 30. We hunt all public land and do not go to a lodge or pay to hunt. I will say though, some of the birds we did end up shooting had holes in their beaks. I think there were 3-4 like that. Some got away from where they were planted and made their way to public property. What do you do? Not going to pass up on a bird that gets up in front of me but after you realize they are pen raised birds. Hoping to make it back at Thanksgiving but hopefully everybody will keep the post rolling because I love reading about all of your hunts.
Those released birds don't have tail feathers,and they are small.I just slayed one in northern Montana. First one.
I know some of you don't like hunting ditches but when we could find a good looking ditch next to cut corn we gave it a try and it worked well for us. It gives us a chance to rest the dogs a little bit and only use one at a time. It also gives the hunter a chance to take a break in the middle of the day.
This is a good tip. Often I or me and a buddy go on a trip with two dogs. I've always wanted to rotate dogs a little but that is hard on large pieces of land. Plus the fact I wouldn't want to go too far off with a dog left in the car. I think seeing a good ditch is the answer. This way you can hunt for half an hour or so with one dog and give the other one a breather. I shot my first ditch bird yesterday, what a rush!
Thanks Idaho, My 2 sons and I are aiming to head from Missouri to South Dakota just before Thanksgiving. The report is encouraging.
This is a good tip. Often I or me and a buddy go on a trip with two dogs. I've always wanted to rotate dogs a little but that is hard on large pieces of land. Plus the fact I wouldn't want to go too far off with a dog left in the car. I think seeing a good ditch is the answer. This way you can hunt for half an hour or so with one dog and give the other one a breather. I shot my first ditch bird yesterday, what a rush!
I have found that middle of the day can be tough to hunt birds as is. Usually can do pretty well in a big field in the morning or closer to the end of the day. So I have found that if I can hunt a good size field from 10:00-12:00/1:00 and then find a couple of ditches to hunt between that 1:00-3:00 time period we can save a little bit of energy, the dogs don't have to do as much running around in a big field, I have a dog to retrieve a bird, and usually can do pretty good in ditches. If I get lucky and find some more, then I don't have to find a field to hunt at end of the day when birds are coming back in to roost and my dogs are just that more rested up for the next day. Also when there are two of you you can have one person drop you off and walk the 1/2 mile or so and they can drive to the other end to block and save you a walk back to the truck. Glad you found some success doing it too.
Goose, you are just hanging around to spew your negativity. I hope this is all just a joke to you and you just like getting a rise out of people. You really add nothing of value to this board. I guess I’m giving you what you want in responding to you. This is the last one. Bye.
Goose, you are just hanging around to spew your negativity. I hope this is all just a joke to you and you just like getting a rise out of people. You really add nothing of value to this board. I guess I’m giving you what you want in responding to you. This is the last one. Bye.
Come on , “Darknight” is a reference to Batman, and a pun on Golden hour. It was Goose trying to make a joke, one that wasn’t at anyone’s expense. Take a deep breath
Goose, you are just hanging around to spew your negativity. I hope this is all just a joke to you and you just like getting a rise out of people. You really add nothing of value to this board. I guess I’m giving you what you want in responding to you. This is the last one. Bye.
You are taking this humor to seriously.