Habitat Photos of Projects

Well, since you guys went to all that hard work & spent all that money - I think you should just open it up to the general public & let ANYBODY hunt it ANYTIME they want without even having to bother with asking permission...JK & LMAO!!! :D :p

Man I miss the days of having a piece of ground to play with like that, although mine in PA at the time was mostly brassica, clover, wheat, milo, austrian snow peas, suger beets, sawtooth oak, ect. for deer & turkeys (no phez)... :cheers:
LOL, U have to wait for my shots too, all I have is dirt under snow. Can't wait to get planting this spring though. I have a secret clover that I won't mention. The neighbors with more land and cover envy it. "I will not talk", no way.PM maybe.:D The land will change in the next couple years. Pond should have no trouble finding water.LOL
The thing that sucks is the clovers and food need to be replanted. I wish it would stay nice for a longer period. But I guess if one can get it down to that mainly it won't be so bad.
Habitat Project

Here is some of the things I've done, 1st two pictures are a before/after of the same spot planted to a Farmed Wetland contract.

the 3rd photo is of a 5 row field wind break with adjoining Quail Bruffer planting (its 120 ft wide)

The 4th photo is of the end of a double Quail Buffer with food plot at the end of it. Got to plant Quail Buffer on both sides of a fence where each side was listed as a different field number with FAS--result a Quail Buffer that is 240 ft wide.
Before/After photo

Here are a couple of photos of what I started with and what it looks like now.
Some really good work being done by you folks. Cant wait to get out on the tractor and get after it!!:thumbsup::cheers: