Who is to blame, one might ask, so that if there is a desire, we can fix the problem? All I know is that I am doing my part on my small 80 acre piece. Spent $18,000 to replant diversified habitat to receive $97,000 over the next ten years in crp. I know I could have made more cash renting to a cropper, AND had NO out of pocket expense. Some may view that as stupidity, but I bought this ground to always have a place to hunt. As it is, pans out to be a tremendous investment...will be paid for with $35,000 out of pocket, and will easily make it back.
Lost a 160 south to the plow in '07, losing 80 a half mile west in '14, and maybe 120 directly west. Owner unsure. I know that not all people share my sense of values, and I don't find them at fault. All in all, I have great neighbors. They have done a lot for me asking for nothing in return. When I first went out there 12 years ago, neighbor west of me said "what's fair is fair, I hunt your ground, might as well go ahead and hunt mine". That was my first lesson learned as a new landowner, an unwritten law of the land, being neighborly.
Times are changing, land is selling to investers, the price is going UP! More ground being turned by the plow to produce crops because of overseas demand. No more neighborly farms, no more out of state hunter. Also wonder what impact that has on the small town economy? I know of one small town restaurant that closed, and if anyone is interested , you can buy it for less than $14,000.