Gun dogs

I prefer getting myself in shape prior to the season by doing alot of walking and biking. I would much rather set in the blind eating donuts or honey buns with coffee while watching my labs make the retrieve in the mud and muck while I work on getting back out of shape LOL!!!
Seems like most of the time I down a duck it lands in the thick stuff, cattails, rushes, willows stuff like that. I have a hard time pinpointing the exact spot. And sometimes ducks still have some life.

I ain't never gonna duck hunt without my Labs. :)
Man I guess I am just lazy. I don't even dove hunt without my dog. I can't imagine duck hunting without him.
I think labs are highly under rated as upland dogs.

Not by lab owners

There is something to me about a black lab swimming back to a blind with a big greenhead in it's mouth. Iconic. Like the world is in order!

x 2000. I love that swim back after he explodes into the cold water. Working his tail like a little rudder.
I've been waiting for this thread to take a turn, but I guess we got all the breed bashing out of our systems in that other thread...:cool:

FWIW, I think the only people who think that Labs are a waterfowl-only dog breed are the people who only hunt waterfowl. Most people who hunt multiple species of birds would agree that a hunting dog is a hunting dog. If given a chance, they will hunt whatever you put in front of them.:thumbsup:
I would agree Toad, spent 12 years chasing everything from dove and PC in Sept. to ducks and geese in January with my lab, along with my brit. If it was a bird, they both had to learn how to hunt it or stay home, hell my brit was an outstanding water dog temps permitting, he loved field hunting geese. This time around I split the difference, got a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, after 1 season I want to know what took me so long, no looking back now.