
New member
I am looking to add a either a GSP or GWP to our family and am looking for a little input here. We cannot decide between the two. For those of you who have experience with these breeds, can you provide me with your thoughts? We have an active family so exercise will not be an issue. From what I know, both breeds will hunt similar. How about as a family pet?

My experience only: since 1988, I've had three GWPs. The first, a female was the best dog I've ever had--home and hunting.

The second was a 2.5 year-old male, which had been tied in the yard all that time. See the Young Bert stories for him.

and currently, I took in a sweet, clueless, 1 year-old female. She seems fine, if developing.

I live alone in the country in Wisconsin.

I can't compare the two breeds. My guess is that the GWPs are more enthusiastic about life, and more rambunctious in most behaviors...but that's a guess.

Best Wishes.
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Put it this way, the GSP is the 12 most popular dog in America and becoming more popular every year. That should speak for itself on how satisfied people are with them as far as family, hunting, and temperament.

They are both going to hunt hard and be very versatile as well.
I've never owned either breed but have been around both breeds. It may depend on what you plan to hunt. If you want to do any waterfowl hunting the GWP would be a better choice since they will take the cold better. In the past I've read that they did have some aggressiveness in the GWP breed but I think for the most part that has been bred out. Regardless of which breed you decide on probably the most important thing is choosing the correct litter. There will be huge differences within each breed just like any breed. Make should you are buying from a reputable breeder and that the parents and grand parents have the qualities you are looking for in a dog. So do your homework before selecting a pup. Good luck.
Thanks for the replies. Good advice.
Kismet, I ran a search on YB. Some good stories. What a great dog!
gwp or gsp

This is my opinion / experience.
SHORTHAIRS were much easier to train to point and hold point, but not very reliable with retrieves. They also seem to cover the area better and a little slower paced (but still hunted hard). Upland game only, no waterfowl, they don't do well in the cold.

WIREHAIRS to me are an entirely different animal. I have a 3yr old male and have been having quite a time training him. He used to hold point very well but as of last November won't hold for nothing. I've got some serious work to do with him. He does retrieve very well to hand and won't let go until I say to. He is a very aggressive hunter, he goes and goes and is not afraid of water, thick cover.... nothing. I've been told that wirehairs are aggressive towards other dogs, cats, kids, etc. Well my wirehair is a whimp, my kids play with him almost every day and he's never even growled at my kids. The coat of a wirehair sucks! It's a burr magnet, buy a good burr comb. I hope this helps.
I happened to check the forum tonight and saw this thread and couldn't resist posting.

I have only owned one GWP, Merle, who just turned 5 this past Sunday and have nothing but positive things to say about my experience with the breed. I have primarily hunted cockbirds with her but have also sent her on some challenging greenhead retrieves. She was the mother of 5 beautiful pups 2 summers ago her and so I have become familiar with the breed through her and other GWP owners I have been fortunate to meet. Some perspective to share: GWPs are smart animals, perhaps too smart as I am now a fully trained GWP owner ;) She sleeps in bed every night, enjoys elk burgers, riding on my lap while driving and lounging on my furniture. :D

Sure, some may argue GWPs can be stubborn at times and perhaps more difficult to train than other breeds but for me, I welcome their intelligence, independence, and constant quest for fun. They are incredibly focused on being loyal, goofy as hell, having fun, loving their family, and finding birds.
Pretty much agree with everything Win21 said. My GWP is 8, and a wonderful hunter and companion, and very clever. Sleeps under the covers in bed, and sits on my lap when I'm on the couch or recliner. The others I've hunted over were great hunters too and seemed very bonded to their owners in a similar way.

Shorthairs are very common in KS, I've hunted over many others' dogs. Energetic dogs, low maintenance, the owners love them. They are great bird getters too!

You should probably get one of each.
Thanks for all the replies. Much appreciated.
After a lot of searching, we went ahead and bought a GSP this past weekend. He has a good pedigree and a great personality. Can't wait to do some training.
Pup is doing great. Here is a pic:
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