This probably belongs in the bird dog forum but I figured it would get more visibility in the pheasant hunting forum. I have a GSP that is in his 3rd season now. I have hunted a lot of wild pheasants with him and some put and take pre-released state birds. He has always done a lot foot scent tracking and will often run into the birds and flush them without a point. Many times he is tracking so intensely he doesn’t even notice the bird flush. If he hits the air scent, he is very steady and only on a handful of occasions has he broke point and tried to pounce at the bird. He is woah trained and I stop him at every bump and wild flush and don’t shoot any of these birds. I keep thinking he’ll grow out of it, but he’s had hundreds of bird contacts now and he still bumps a lot of birds. I’ve kept a log this year and he handles about 50% of the bird contacts properly. He has incredible drive and finds a ton of birds, but it also incredibly frustrating to watch roosters fly away. Anyone have experience with a dog like this or any advice on a fix?