Grand Finale KS Hunt???


New member
Anybody interested in the possibility of hooking-up or meeting onsite for at least a part of my trip in nw/nc KS for a little teamwork on some of those wily late-season roosters, with hopefully a few quail in the mix??? I am planning a 2-3 nite/3-4 day grand-finale of sorts KS hunt somewhere between the wknd of Jan 23rd & the final wknd of the 31st (preferably during the week--say anytime Weds thru Sat).

I would love to get together with at least 3-4 hunters/5-6 max & several dogs, but would even settle for two of us and a couple dogs. However, I am very particular about the type of hunter & dog that I am interested in for this particular trip!!!...If you are seriously interested, PLEASE read my thread/post on the Colorado forum thoroughly for ALL of the details & PM me afterward if you are still interested and think it might be a compatible fit. :thumbsup:
Maybe it would be helpful if you explained what type of hunter & dog you think would be compatible with yourself. We can't really tell if we're compatible if we don't know what you're looking for.
Dakota, did you read thru my very detailed exact same thread under the CO forum where I live as suggested, or is there a hint of sarcasm in your post?

Long & short of it - I am new to this region of the country (have only lived in CO for a litle over a yr). I do have plenty friends of all kinds both locally and nationally/international, but as of yet not that many serious bird hunting fanatics who are local and/or who can manage to get the time off for such a trip as described.

I have introduced a lot of newbies and kids over the course of my lifetime to both hunting & fishing, but once in awhile I am a bit selfish & want to enjoy some of my time hunting either alone or with people who know what they are doing & are at least somewhat on the same page.

This will be a fairly long trip for me, with a lot of energy & $$ invested in a very short time-frame to hunt...I am a very easy guy to get along with! I just don't want to spend this special end-of-season hunt with an out-of-control, untrained dog or the type of dogless hunter who doesn't really have the patience for or enjoy good dog work (which is the main reason why I & many of you are out there). I also don't want to be the one getting on anybody's else's nerves who is far more experienced than me - especially in absolute SILENT man/dog communication on those w-i-l-d & wily late-season birds! The only "surprise" I want for anybody on this trip is the occasional rooster nearly giving us a heart attack by unexpectedly getting up under our feet! Other than that, it's all good!!!

There we're no accusations or better-than-thou airs intended whatsoever in my excruciatingly explanatory CO post - just a sincere attempt at a fair understanding going into it for all parties involved on a possible "blind date" (Ha-Ha, good one uplandhntr)...This is the part I hate about internet communication - say too much & nobody bothers to read/listen, say too little & nobody knows what you are talking about.

For the record, I have had MANY fun times & developed several lifelong friendships hunting & fishing with previously total strangers met in some odd way who happen to share the passion! There have been very few, occasional duds that didn't work out in comparison. :)
i might

i like your post i feel the same way i have a great dog that will turn on a dime at a voice command, whistle or a nick off of the ecollar and know how to handle roosters i def dont know it all i like planning on how to attack a field sometimes it works and some not i have learned a great deal on here from others on here and def learned who is a friend and who is not and that is as far as i will expand on that!i have an open mind and love new ways of smoking ditch parrots you can pm me if interested.
How much do you use your whistle or talk to the dog? Can you make it this weekend? If you only shoot at birds that your dog directly flushes and let all wild flushes go then we probably aren't the group you want to hunt with but if we can work that little issue out then we might have some room.

My brother is also a pastor so that part about your e-harmony profile doesn't scare me a bit.

A couple of weeks ago I invited a guy to hunt with our group and I still haven't lived it down. I asked him what kind of dog he had and all he said was "world class, man, world class, I have been blessed with a world class dog." Lets just say that the only thing I could here on that so quiet and peaceful next morning was that guy yelling the whole time at his "world class" dog. Worse yet I put him in the part of the field hunting alongside my brother. My brothers desire to be pastoral prevented him from cussing me out after that experience.
How much do you use your whistle or talk to the dog? Can you make it this weekend? If you only shoot at birds that your dog directly flushes and let all wild flushes go then we probably aren't the group you want to hunt with but if we can work that little issue out then we might have some room.

My brother is also a pastor so that part about your e-harmony profile doesn't scare me a bit.

A couple of weeks ago I invited a guy to hunt with our group and I still haven't lived it down. I asked him what kind of dog he had and all he said was "world class, man, world class, I have been blessed with a world class dog." Lets just say that the only thing I could here on that so quiet and peaceful next morning was that guy yelling the whole time at his "world class" dog. Worse yet I put him in the part of the field hunting alongside my brother. My brothers desire to be pastoral prevented him from cussing me out after that experience.
what kept you from just saying shut the f up you trying to spook every blank blank rooster here! think he would have got the point he had a truck didnt he if i guy did that in front of my friends wow how emberrasing!
For one I don't get embarrassed. I have done so many stupid and crazy things in my life that I lost that ability along time ago. Secondly, he was an okay dude he just had an out of control dog and I didn't really see the need to tell him to f off.

Mistakes are good when we actually learn from them and I learned from that experience for sure.
Dakota, did you read thru my very detailed exact same thread under the CO forum where I live as suggested, or is there a hint of sarcasm in your post?

Absolutely no sarcasm intended what so ever. I was only trying to help. I just thought it would be benefical if we knew exactly what you meant by compatible. I didn't realize you had made the detailed post in the CO forum.
@Tphark--You had me LMAO on that one! :D That is EXACTLY the kind of scenario I am trying ahead-of-time to avoid. I don't want to become that profanity-laced preacher or wind up with my tongue bleeding from trying to bite it off...I do not claim to have a "world-class" wonder-dog by any stretch of the imagination, but he is a pretty "doggone" good one (Ha-Ha) that at least knows how to mind his manners, can scratch up some roosters if they are there & almost never loses a retrieve (even on a wounded-runner). The "how much" do I use the whistle & talk to my dog is a relative question - my interpretation may be a bit different than yours - but I def do use light-to-moderate whistle & voice commands as needed (though not the screaming & yelling you describe). If a totally-SILENT partner who NEVER makes a peep is what you're after, I may not be your man...Also c'mon dude, I am not so self-centered & egotistical a person that I am interested in shooting only at birds that "my dog" flushes - though I might be a little prone to let you guys burn up all the lead you want at those long-range "wild flushes", while I try to really make mine count! ;) ...Probably can't make it out this weekend though, UNLESS MAYBE I were to meet you guys there for Fri & most of Sat only (would need to be home by Sat nite).

@DKzeb--Thx for the clarification & for reading thru the CO post for your answers!

@only a pointer--EXACTLY, you get it! As to the dog work with multiple dogs potentially involved - I'm just trying to avoid a whole wknd spent watching dog fights, constant out-of-control running way ahead & flushing the birds wild, one dog stealing a bird out of another's mouth, a dog that won't even acknowledge any amount of screaming & yelling from his owner, & other such nonsense...As for people, I love the comraderie of a few good ol' boys teaming up together - win or lose - to play a little game of rooster-chess with those wily, late-season birds! I too like trying out new tactics on educated birds, and simply thought that it might be fun to get together enough experienced guys & dogs to maybe even try attacking some of the really large patches of cover from multiple directions simultaneously & give those roosters a little different head-twist than they are used to. Heck, I don't even mind rotating in-&-out at stander/post duties - I'll just make my dog sit by my side & work him on his marks & blinds, while I "duck shoot" for those of y'all who can't ever be still! :cool:
what kind of dog do you have again is it the flushing kind now im not saying my dog is perfect he covers gound but one thing about we will def know if birds are around how would that work flushing dog and a pointing dog
@only-a-pointer--my dog is a yellow lab (def a quarter-n-flusher, not a pointing lab)...I have heard that a combo hunt of sorts - letting the pointers range out far-&-wide pinning the birds, and then sending the lab in to do the flushing work - can be a really beautiful thing, IF all of the dogs are well-trained to do their part! Since we both like trying out new things, would love to give it a whirl & see!!! My dog is good-to-go on his part & I WILL NOT let him run out there far & wide alongside your pointer. I can also guarantee you once we get birds down (wounded-runners & all), we will not lose very many! :D
sometime letting those pointers range wide means wild flushung birds now if you have a dog that can range and hook good then you have a bird dog know where we could get one? lol
We use to run English Setters and a black lab its a perfect combo. The setters point the birds and then we send the lab in for the dirty work. It wasnt always on wild birds but i do believe it will work on wild birds.
I hear that one....I had a great spot...took a guy with a very quick couldnt wait to get on the ground pointer...picture this....long a bean field...his dog going 50 mph and 3 big coveys in the air within 5 minutes...and he is screaming whoa whoa whoa....I was mad then I started laughing...he didnt like it much...but I suggested a different arrangement later. We killed a few singles...I took him home...went back a couple of hours later after they had settled down...killed my limit with two medium working brittanies...he he
I hear that one....I had a great spot...took a guy with a very quick couldnt wait to get on the ground pointer...picture this....long a bean field...his dog going 50 mph and 3 big coveys in the air within 5 minutes...and he is screaming whoa whoa whoa....I was mad then I started laughing...he didnt like it much...but I suggested a different arrangement later. We killed a few singles...I took him home...went back a couple of hours later after they had settled down...killed my limit with two medium working brittanies...he he

I had the same prob. the last time I hunted with a set of english pointers we were working a CRP field and they seemed miles ahead of us flushing birds we could barely see. Had some shorthairs working in close and we shot birds over them all day. I love hunting behind all pointing breeds as lond as they hold the birds in front of me and we can get a shot.
I had the same prob. the last time I hunted with a set of english pointers we were working a CRP field and they seemed miles ahead of us flushing birds we could barely see. Had some shorthairs working in close and we shot birds over them all day. I love hunting behind all pointing breeds as lond as they hold the birds in front of me and we can get a shot.

I grew up on pointers...the last one we had was a Millers White Cloud dog...which was an awesome dog to hunt with...but 15 years ago I went with Brittanies and have been fortunate to have some good ones. Might have to walk a bit more...but...I need to. Someone asked me which is the best dog to hunt with a brittany, setter, or pointer. I said yes...he he. I want a dog that hunts with me. A dog can be a bit wide...but still hunt with you and for you. I bet you know what I mean. One of our best dogs was ugly...not say the least...ugly tail...but...he could find and trail a covey from my house to your house, never missed a dead bird, and was solid. So I hear ya. Doug