Governor Noem writes about her hunting dog

Anytime someone discusses anything political (even a name), inherently someone has to poke the bear and "go there". Then I get a few nasty emails and then I'm told how I run such a crappy forum. People just can't seem to walk away (digitally) or leave it alone.
Anytime someone discusses anything political (even a name), inherently someone has to poke the bear and "go there". Then I get a few nasty emails and then I'm told how I run such a crappy forum. People just can't seem to walk away (digitally) or leave it alone.
In my opinion, I think you do a damn good job of running this have set boundaries that are reasonable. For the most part the focus stays on point....bird dogs and bird hunting.
At the end of the day, it's your website/forum and you get to make the rules...if someone is not ok with that, then they just need to move along..