Gotta Give to Get


New member
So I have decided to give up deer or water fowl for more bird hunting, which one do you think?
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All the deer have blue-tongue and have mad cow! Ducks only get water from septic systems, and get boutulism! Only pheasant,quail, and grouse are perfect! ( I am forced to do more waterfowling than I have before!), Good luck, posts stories of collosal bags, an pictures to make us jealous.
Gotta Give To Get

If it were me, I would give up deer hunting. Too boring, have to sit still and be quiet. I gave it up a long time ago.
I have to agree, I've given up deer hunting for years. I'll probably start up again when my boys are old enough to hunt, but for now I'm going after the birds. Some of my friends think I'm crazy and don't understand why I like bird hunting so much. Once you fill your tags, you're done. With birds, I can keep going out every weekend. I think some of them don't like all the walking either. What's better than being outdoors doing what you love and watching your dog(s) do their thing?
But umm,,, Bambi is freaking delicious.:D Backstraps, summer sausage, jerky, snack sticks just to name a few of the highlights...:thumbsup: We eat a lot of ground venison too, the chili is especially great. A friend gave me some elk jerky last spring that was so good I thought about hunting one of those badboys too.:D

I am the most passionate about upland hunting. Waterfowl is fun, but doesn't have the same appeal it used to back when I had a real duck dog instead of a "make-do" duck dog. Hunting deer is all about giving myself a full year of delicious snacks. Mmmmm.:p We JUST finished the last bag of snack sticks from last year's deer. Time to go hunting!

The only way I could quit deer hunting would be if somebody else shot one for me. Then I guess I could give it up fairly easy...:cheers:
I gave up deer hunting a few years back and have never looked back. Sitting still all day, having to spray yourself down to not smell, and only getting to shoot once a day and only a few times a season is not for me. I also hate having to deal with 150lbs of dead animal after you finally get to shoot oh and not only can you not send your dog to retrieve your quarry but you have to leave him at home! Forget that, anytime people ask me why I don't hunt deer I say if my dog can't retrieve it I have no desire to shoot it.
I can relate to your situation though, U4E. With a job, marriage, and children, you are pulled in a lot of directions. Have to decide what is the most important and what to let slip...

For me, I only go waterfowling a couple times a year anymore, and I used to be nuts for it. And I only deer hunt long enough to get a fat doe down. You learn to be pretty opportunistic too, hunting whatever is closest to home at the crack of dawn so you can still be home by lunch and get your quality family time...

Speaking of quality time,,, My oldest is starting to take an interest in hunting, so you never know. She's tagged along on a few turkey hunts and wants to tag along on a deer hunt this year. Duck hunting would be another easy one to include her, easier than upland anyway. So you never know. If the kids take an interest in hunting, that would open up a LOT of additional hunting opportunities.
i am seriously thinking of doing the same this yr great post man!!!

if all i did is sit in a tree come deer season i would of jumped out of the tree yrs ago & lets not get started on the boring art of BOW HUNTING DEER as thats just to damn boring for me i had to at least rattle horns call & use buck lure & also i would still hunt around the north MN woods for deer very exciting doing this i also love to still hunt deer & also carry my single shot 20GA over my shoulder on a sling so when i see ruffed or spruce grouse i would blast them i have been doing that for a few yrs & had good fun...

for me the fun stops once you shoot the deer EXCEPT THE EATING OF IT
but the drag out of the woods & what not just blows for me now ive done that yr in & yr out for awhile & i just dont get as excited as i once did for MN deer hunting but WI deer hunting is kinda fun way way more deer in WI then MN

but im thinking of ditch n deer camp in MN this season & going out to SD to pheasant hunt with my new puppy??? thats another down side of deer hunting you cant use your dog for any part of it at least not in MN tracking wounded deer wise i mean not dog deer chase n like in the ozarks lol but i hear there is less hunters out there at that time of yr so??? & on my way back home from SD i would stop & hunt in MN wear i always chase pheasants so im not feeling so bad now that i see many of you have done the same over the yrs...

i guess i could always cross bow a deer behind the house if i need something for the freezer??? i also have a few friends that always end up give n me venison when the get a deer so??? pheasants here i come in deer season
I feel a bit bad that I stopped hunting the things can stunt early successional cover, are preferential browsers and have sucked the will and $$$s out of too many DNRs.
There are way too many of them and more need killed....many more.
As there are too many geese hereabouts.
But since, when as a kid, a goose honk was reason to run outside and look up in wonder and the rush of wings over a bent-head in a blind is a great experience, I can understand anyone getting out of the barbershop competition they now term deerhunting and choosing something else.
For myself tho, I may shoot a ratty deer again as the last one I killed was from my back porch and that is little enough effort for the good conservation work it is...and I did not even need shoes.
I used to live and die for deer hunting. 28 years ago we got married and moved to Florida for a job. That first November I was so homesick and called my mom every night asking if she had heard from dad and the brothers. This year I'm missing opening weekend of deer hunting for the first time since then and am not at all concerned. Besides the terrible condition of our northern Wisconsin deer herd, I've got a bad disk and can't drag a deer. Deer hunting means having to have help if I shoot something, whereas I don't need someone to help me carry home a few birds. Sure do love venison, though, so it's a conundrum.

Having raised kids, bird hunting can be done without a lot of time spent away from the family. An hour after work, or before work. Early morning on the weekend and still be home to do things with the family. Bow hunting or gun hunting takes a lot of time, and so can duck hunting.

We're expecting weather moving in here today, so no after work hunt. But, I'll take the pup out at noon to my training area where there are still some of my quail running around. We'll see if we can't scare some up in a half hour hunt. Can't do that with deer or ducks.
I went deer hunting a few times and its just to much sitting in a tree for me. Did the bow thing a few times and that was better. I have to say that birds is what have me hooked.
give up the deer hunt

I gave up deer hunting 20 yrs. ago. I was sitting in my tree stand hoping a deer would come by soon so I could shoot it and go bird hunting. One came through in the nest hour, shot it, and was bird hunting in the afternoon. That was my last day of deer hunting. No regrets.