Goofy gun?

Awesome gun for varmints and self defense (with 00 or 000 buck).
They were a limited run a few years ago. Not positive, but I do not think they make them anymore. Aguy was shooting one at trap the other nite and I asked how he did. I had watched the first ten birds and he only got one. Said he started bad but ended up at 15. Not a long sighting plain.
I think it would be a great little tree squirrel/ rabbit gun and like BC said a good home defense gun loaded with buck shot. I doubt I would try to quail hunt with it though, that's what 28ga SxS are for.:cheers:
Both Winchester and Marlin made a version of their lever action rifle in 410 shotgun many years ago. Winchester made a run of them not that many years ago. A person I use to be friends with has one. He shoots Red Squirrels with his. They are only 2.5" chambered.