"gods country"


Headed out to Wakeeny sat. morning. arrived at about 9am. first field Gunner and I hit about 20 yards in slams on point. Two hens flush and i knew the rooster was close. about 20 more yards Gunner slams point again, the rooster flushes and with one shot i got him. there is about 2-5" of snow on the ground depending where your at. the next field we go was a crp field right next to a cut corn field. when we start walking it a couple of birds get up outta range. When i look at Gunner he was acting like i've never seen him before. i thought when we get a bird in the bag he is overly excited. but somehing was really getting to him. he just starting going crazy he wouldnt hold points and it looked like he was just pointing everything. all of the sudden about 75 yards in front of me the sky basically turned black. i have never seen so many birds get up at once then i did in that field. just the sound sent chills down my spine and made the hair on my neck stand up. some of them got up in gun range but it was like the movie Independne day when the alien ship came over the city i just stood there and watched in aw. i looked to see where Gunner was and he was dong the same thing i was. i think i could've had my limit ten times over but i was so in shock i didnt even fire a shot. i ended up walking the field out and got the rest of my limit. i left the camera on my kitchen counter and i'm kicking myself in the ass for it because i know no one will beleive me. but i know Gunner and I will have it scribed in our minds till the day we die. most beautiful thing i think i've ever seen.
Boy!! that must have been quite a site. I wish I could see something like that. I'd settle for just a couple of birds at this point.......Bob
I had a similar experience this past weekend. I'd been having pretty poor luck this year b/c I kept returning to my ole' stomping grounds, despite my own pre-season observations that the bird population was way down. Well, I finally made it out of that area and had a great hunt. My eldest Brit was able to nail down 2 tight sitting roosters just as we got into the field. A bit later, I had 3 dogs on point in 3 different locations. I thought, "Could they really be on different birds?" The answer was yes, they had found a nice bunch of them. The dogs were spread out over about 40 yards, in a line, each pointing into the wind. When I got to the first dog, about 30 birds came up and I simply didn't know which one to shoot. I stood there staring at em' like I have so many times in the past. I love that feeling!! I can walk all day after seeing something like that.

Thanks for sharing GSP4life. Late season is the best!
Thanks for sharing that great storey. It brought back a an old memory of a similar hunt many years ago in SD. More than that it swept away the winter blahs & got me excited about my next trip to KS in a couple weeks. I will be going more North & East for quail but the idea is the same.
That's what keeps you coming back! It'll dismantle a lot of dogs and men alike. I only flushed 8 roosters in 1 spot the last time out and almost forgot to shoot the second barrell. Might as well have forgot. Can't shoot with my mouth wide open. Continued hunting and ended up with 3 roosters in 2 hours.
its just amazing what happens when you see hundreds of birds flush. Gunner and i just lost it. he was about 20 yards in front of me and both of us just stood there at least 10 min (thats about how long it took for all the birds to scatter) and just watched. i just wish i couldve shared it with someone else. but Gunner and I will never forget it.
Found a place in about 1994 next to the inlaws ground. Old Hawk slipped over the property line and pointed. I gave the wife my gun and went to collect him. I got to him and 200 pheasants and a like number of prairie chicken flushed. Talked to the mother-in-law and she called and got me permission. Usually moved 600 pheasants per day on 800 acres until 1998. It went into WIHA then. After that, about 20 birds/day was the max.