Headed out to Wakeeny sat. morning. arrived at about 9am. first field Gunner and I hit about 20 yards in slams on point. Two hens flush and i knew the rooster was close. about 20 more yards Gunner slams point again, the rooster flushes and with one shot i got him. there is about 2-5" of snow on the ground depending where your at. the next field we go was a crp field right next to a cut corn field. when we start walking it a couple of birds get up outta range. When i look at Gunner he was acting like i've never seen him before. i thought when we get a bird in the bag he is overly excited. but somehing was really getting to him. he just starting going crazy he wouldnt hold points and it looked like he was just pointing everything. all of the sudden about 75 yards in front of me the sky basically turned black. i have never seen so many birds get up at once then i did in that field. just the sound sent chills down my spine and made the hair on my neck stand up. some of them got up in gun range but it was like the movie Independne day when the alien ship came over the city i just stood there and watched in aw. i looked to see where Gunner was and he was dong the same thing i was. i think i could've had my limit ten times over but i was so in shock i didnt even fire a shot. i ended up walking the field out and got the rest of my limit. i left the camera on my kitchen counter and i'm kicking myself in the ass for it because i know no one will beleive me. but i know Gunner and I will have it scribed in our minds till the day we die. most beautiful thing i think i've ever seen.