It is funny after reading your post that I was in the almost same exact situation. I ended up getting a 10 week old non papered male GSP from someone here on this forum. Never owning a GSP ever and not knowing what to expect I decided to take him to a (well known)trainer in my area. Well he put at the time my 5 month old pup in a cage with a bird(pigeon) to establish some drive and get him birdy. Well I think he was more scared of the bird than the bird was of him
. The trainer looks at me and says he never seen that before. He said take him home and just let him be a pup for awhile. So last year in September I dropped the pup off to him for a few months since I did not have time at all to do any training. He was about 11 months old. The trainer called me to come down and see the dog after three weeks. He had the dog pointing birds. Hunting to the front. That got me really excited. I almost lost hope in this dog because he didnt point anything or care for birds. Well after 7 weeks with the trainer I picked him up for opening weekend. I hunted him with my pointing lab and this was a big NO NO. It was like he was off to the races to see who can get the bird first. Well it ended up him busting birds like the issue you are having. He did get a few points that season and we got him a few birds. but he needed time with hunting just him and I. After that things got better.
So this summer I dropped him off to the same trainer. About 8 more weeks of training with him. He still has a tendency to bump birds but I can tell he is figuring it out alot more. This trainer does use the silent method and I do not think it has been good for my pup. I think he needs to be "WHOA" broke and steadied. That will be my next thing. I have a big heart for this dog and I want to give him the opportunity to be great hunting dog regardless of a piece of paper. So, like you I don't need a super stud or field trial dog. I just wanted a dog that can comb a field and hunt hard. I think you just need to hunt the heck out of him and have some patience with him. Sometimes your best hunts will be just you and him. You can start to work together and figure out his body language. My pup is still a work in progress at two years. Once my pointing lab figured out that we are a team, we have been getting alot of birds. Good Luck and sorry for the long post. :cheers:
Pic of his first wild rooster last year (my avatar).