Get your houses off the lakes... if you can.

Yeah you would think. Hell there is still 3 ft of ice on the lakes....

I predicted in another thread that our traditional fishing opener in Minnesota which usually falls on the second weekend in May will have most if not all lakes still ice covered in the northern half of the state. Unless we go complete opposite and have a very warm early spring, it will happen. The downside to the warm spring theory means major flooding...
The problem is not the 3ft of ice in the middle of the lake its getting on and off. That's why they want them off already. With the melt we are supposed to get this week and all the snow on top. I bet the ice turns bad quicker than we all think.
Last year was a problem. I was fishing on Red lake over the opening week. I got to the cabin we rent on Sunday and they were fishing out in front of our place through the ice! the next morning the ice was over a mile from shore and we were fishing in boats in front of the cabin. It can happen quick with the right conditions.