get together and sporting clays shoot

just got back from the shoot, we had 5 shooters total,mustistuff,gspcooper,co-weimar and his friend and myself. Overall I think everyone had a pretty good time and we did hit some clay birds. Our scores were all about the same but the main thing is we all had a good time and we were able to put a face with the name. We are thinking about having another shoot before dove season and was wondering if any more guys would be interesting in joining us. I know several guys live up North so we could set up a shoot at a range closer to those of you guys who do live up North. Just give me some feedback.
fall shoot

I had too much going on today to join you but I would be interested in the August shoot if my schedule permits. Colorado Clays or Great Guns works for me. Also the Northern CO Pheasants Forever has a fun shoot at Great Guns sometime during August.:cheers:
I had a great time today! Thanks for putting it together. It was great meeting everyone in person.

Yesterday was a great time some great shooting by everyone, I especially need some practice but either way it was a great time!! look forward to doing it again soon!