Guys it is 3 pm and I have to get ready shortly for security duty at our Shriners club tonight and will not get home until around 11:30 or later so I will not be able to communicate with any of you until the morning so here is what I have planned.
I will be at Quail Run at 9:30 am in the morning, I will probably be sitting on the tailgate of my truck, a 2000 ford f-350 crew cab, my wife says it is a funny sounding color but I call it blueish something or other

Come over introduce yourself , I have sticky name tags for your name, go inside sign in, grab a cup of coffee, I will have paid for it already, than come out and get a donut or two, than we will get ready to go shoot.
I will already have score cards, pencils and boards ready so we can get started.
Afterwards those who want to can meet for lunch, there is a steak house just east of the range or there is a couple of restaurants in Kiowa.
I will check this site before I leave around 6 pm tonight and perhaps tonight when I get in and for sure in the morning.
My cell number is 719 640 2837
quail runs number is 303 646 3868