German Shorthair - Lab needs home

Wait you have friends in Minnesota? I thought everyone from Iowa hated Minnesotans... :p Or is that only on football and wrestling events

I've used this site for a few years now lots of great information and people. Trusty20 checked the dog out for me. Gpowers and jonnyb are also minnesotans that i've enjoyed hunting with:thumbsup:.:cheers:
Well the new dog is home:). The new dog (summit) seems to be getting along great with the family and our inside dog Zeus. The cat is another story for now but it will get better:D.
thanks again lazer for the post and to the previous owner :cheers:
Good for you Chris! I know the dog has a good home and will get to do what it breed(s) do and that is hunt! Enjoy the new dog and cant wait to hunt with you and see how it does!

This is one of the Lucky dogs! We know it's getting a home where it will be loved and still get to do what it was born to do.

Let's think about this, it took a Bite at the hand that feeds it. Don't take a chance Put it Down.
I am a Dog lover but, I have no tolerance for one that could bite someone period. Your friend knows what needs done. Please do his before someone else gets bit.

Need more info on the nip first. But if this is a recurring issue, the dog would go down. To give it away is passing on a liability.
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Things are going great. I've tried to provoke a nip out of him bye messing with his feet, ears and food while he's eating so far so good. :cheers: