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Just got a new collar with both Tone and Vibrate. Trying to understand how folks use both Tone and Vibrate. Would like to start using one of these modes instead of whistle.
I may be hunting bigger country (Montana) but I do not train for range or return. For my areas out of gun range is fine and for me there is no reason to return over an area already hunted.I hunt mostly by myself with one or two labs. I use the e-collar primarily for range and return. Once they understand what the collar is and how it works, using light stimulation I train for range first, then return. When they understand that, I add the tone (or vibration if you prefer) as the first signal followed by light stimulation. Honestly, it only takes a few repetitions and the dog learns to respond to the tone, avoiding any stimulation. The tone (or vibration) is quiet and between you and the dog. I personally dislike the rukkus of whistles (mechanical or voice), yelling and similar in the field. I've seen large fields emptied of wild birds when a "whistler" gets going. It also empties the field of me and my dogs.
I may be hunting bigger country (Montana) but I do not train for range or return. For my areas out of gun range is fine and for me there is no reason to return over an area already hunted.
I let the lab silently hunt as far as I can see (sometimes 200 yards in open hun country, 60 yards in thicker areas).
Out of gun range rarely results in flushes out of gun range if the lab is stopped as soon as he gets birdy.
The only thing I use the vibration for is to silently stop the lab once he starts getting birdy and then I move around into position.