

I wrnt fishung this morning and caught a few but nothing to write home about but I do have a good story. I am reeling in this baby bass, maybe 14 incher, when this monster comes up and just slams him. Knocked the poor thing silly. I know bass love trout and kokane and I've save a monsters life who tried to choke down a bluegill who was just to big but I've never seen a bass go for another bass that big.:eek:

hey, take your dogs next time they probably have worms and you'll catch bigger fish.

Mustystuff, that is just wrong.

Walleye, Crappie, and cats (blue and flathead).
Largemouth bass, crappie, and bluegill at my local lake. Walleye on the Little Sioux River below the low head dams. Walleye, crappie, and muskie up in Wisconsin.
Those are some fine fish John but there's no way that grouper is better eats than a bluegill.:D

I caught a 6lb smallmouth on my ultra light rig with 4lb test once. Sucker almost spooled me and we had to chase him down with the boat like a marlin to land him. Its a lot of fun catching strong fish on light gear.:cheers:
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I'd love to fly-fish for some of the saltwater species, but in the meantime, I'll stick with salmon, steelhead, trout, bass, & panfish up here. Fall is a busy time with either a shotgun or a fly rod in my hand on days off. Oh, & carp on the fly from April thru October . . . 'bout as much fun as I've ever had with a fly rod.
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Spooky fish indeed & what a fight on a fly rod . . . carp will show what your backing looks like, and several times! I'm chasing salmon with conventional gear right now (have private access on the Yak, but too brushy for a fly rod.). I'll chase steel on the Columbia in & around chasing pheasants & coyotes in November & December. I want a wolf rug, but haven't received access to private ground in Idaho yet.
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That's not too bad at all. Stood in the rain while negotiating submerged rocks & grass while flinging a Vibrax for 3 hours . . . caught 1 smallmouth & lost 1 salmon . . . it hit as I was pulling the spinner to shore . . . couldn't have had more than 8' of line out, so it was hit, hooked, thrashed, splashed, and gone. It was still fun. I'll do it again tomorrow . . . it only gets better over the next 3 weeks.