Field kit + I had a blooper load

Bob Peters

Well-known member
I was hunting Iowa on Saturday and at about 4:20 I squeezed one off on a flushing rooster and "pooooompfffff!" The only way I can think to describe it was a sound crossed between a new years confetti popper and a weak mortar round shooting out on the 4th of July. I knew something was off so unfortunately I had to watch old Rudy Rooster flap away while I looked at my gun. The action was still closed (semi-auto) and all the while keeping the barrel pointed safely I opened the breech, took out the hull, and then proceeded to field strip the gun and find indeed the barrel was plugged up. My hunt was over (it was almost close of shooting hours anyways). I stopped at Scheels and got a cleaning rod on the way back to the cabin. This got me wondering what I should pack for a gun care kit to leave in the truck for trips like this. And yes before everyone says it, a backup gun is a great solution. I always bring one on longer trips. I cleaned the gun that evening and it worked fine the next day. Not sure what causes a factory squib load, I take good care of my shells.20221113_081528.jpg
I was hunting Iowa on Saturday and at about 4:20 I squeezed one off on a flushing rooster and "pooooompfffff!" The only way I can think to describe it was a sound crossed between a new years confetti popper and a weak mortar round shooting out on the 4th of July. I knew something was off so unfortunately I had to watch old Rudy Rooster flap away while I looked at my gun. The action was still closed (semi-auto) and all the while keeping the barrel pointed safely I opened the breech, took out the hull, and then proceeded to field strip the gun and find indeed the barrel was plugged up. My hunt was over (it was almost close of shooting hours anyways). I stopped at Scheels and got a cleaning rod on the way back to the cabin. This got me wondering what I should pack for a gun care kit to leave in the truck for trips like this. And yes before everyone says it, a backup gun is a great solution. I always bring one on longer trips. I cleaned the gun that evening and it worked fine the next day. Not sure what causes a factory squib load, I take good care of my shells.View attachment 4498
While it’s pretty rare to have issues with factory loads, it does happen on occasion. Had some Remington cClay and Field loads about a year ago where at least one shell out of every box would eject and rip the brass from the hull. Had to keep a close eye on this till i ran through the case. I opted not to contact Remington just paid close attention. Also, my last case of Remingtons Clays. my sx4 ejects super quick and I attributed some of this to the firearm. Never had issue with others though.
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I'd call the manufacture and tell them what happened, Probably have to send the remains to them. Know knows, might be worth a new box of shells to them.
I would think with an auto might want spare O-rings, cleaning rod and oil like 3 in 1. Assuming your auto uses o- rings, i shoot an 1100 so my only experience. My failures in the field with guns have been major issues, like broken firing pins or extractors. This is where back up guns come into play.
Duds are a rare occurrence, but do happen. Good composure not to squeeze another round off! Like MiForester stated, we too always keep a spare gun on hand.
You could carry a 3/8” x 36” wood dowel in your vehicle. This can also be used to make an emergency plug if
Need be.
I was in the field and my hunting buddy who fell and snow/mud plugged his barrel....I used a stock of mares tail to clear the barrel....the first and only time I was glad to see mares worked good when we were in a bind. I have been hunting for most of my life, if I fall, I am not going down "muzzle-first".

What brand of shell was that, doesn't look like a Fed to me...way long brass on it

Tuck, those heads came off clean!!!
I was in the field and my hunting buddy who fell and snow/mud plugged his barrel....I used a stock of mares tail to clear the barrel....the first and only time I was glad to see mares worked good when we were in a bind. I have been hunting for most of my life, if I fall, I am not going down "muzzle-first".

What brand of shell was that, doesn't look like a Fed to me...way long brass on it

Tuck, those heads came off clean!!!
Yup, while I know the sx4 really pulls the empties quickly you are right about the shells. I think Remington just had a bad batch. By the time I thought to contact Remington I was halfway through the case of shells. They did ask that I return them and I I forgot to once I ran through the case.
I just figured I’m nit buying these anymore. no other issues in my sx4 to date.
I had an issue with some reloads a couple of years ago in cold weather. Primers would fire, but not ignite the powder leaving the wad stuck in the choke. This was in an O/U so it was easy to see. Radio antenna on the truck worked to poke it out. I carry a wad knocker now, but haven't had to use it.

I had an issue with some reloads a couple of years ago in cold weather. Primers would fire, but not ignite the powder leaving the wad stuck in the choke. This was in an O/U so it was easy to see. Radio antenna on the truck worked to poke it out. I carry a wad knocker now, but haven't had to use it.

Blue dot powder? I thought I read it might be somewhat sensitive to temp. I use Longshot, never any issues with it.
IMO definitely worth a call/email to BOSS. They're a small enough outfit I'm sure they would be very interested and would probably make it right.
I used to have the same problem sometimes with reloads. Always cut a stick and poke out the powder and wad and go on. I was hosting an old friend and the Ky. state champion trap shooter who was an arrogant a hole on a quail hunt. I watched him shoot singles without letting my friend have a turn. I was hosting so wasn't really shooting. On the last single of the day, I'd had enough. As he was walking toward the point so did I. The bird got up and I beat him by a long shot, only my gun just went poof!! He killed the bird and smirked. I never shot another reload!
I had this happen to me a couple years ago with Federal Black Cloud. Was hunting snow and cattails and know that sound can do weird things in those conditions, so I didn't think anything of it. Thankfully, my dad was with me and told me to check my barrel. I did and, sure enough, the wad was lodged in the barrel. I stripped a dogwood shoot and pushed it out, only after learning a cattail wasn't strong enough to do the job.

I did contact Federal and gave them all the information that I could.