I have family employed by an agency that manages federal lands. Water cooler talk is that the feds are going to be considering raising money for the talked about sovereign fund by selling land, making more leases for timber and minerals. Public land is a cornerstone of the outdoor recreation opportunities we have in this country, no matter if you have all the private property you need or not.
Now I know much of this land is to the west of pheasant hunting territory but as an outdoors person my opinion is that actions like this can’t be undone and will inhibit the enjoyment of the outdoors for many.
Keep your eyes and ears open. There are articles out there but the ones I’ve found have a strong political bent and I don’t think we need to go down that road.
Now I know much of this land is to the west of pheasant hunting territory but as an outdoors person my opinion is that actions like this can’t be undone and will inhibit the enjoyment of the outdoors for many.
Keep your eyes and ears open. There are articles out there but the ones I’ve found have a strong political bent and I don’t think we need to go down that road.