FCS going to need help

Looks like FCS gets to go to nationals:thumbsup: I wish him well. BUT HE'S GOING TO NEED THE MASSIVE BRAIN POWER ON HERE TO WIN:D We have to come up with stuff he can't forget to pack and dog training stuff he can't forget. Well I know one thing he better not forget and that would be the pooper scooper:eek: Thats right you don't want judge to be stepping in dog poop:) Maybe he'll mention us in his victory speech:D
Best of luck FCS , get it done. Take pics . I'll bet you WIN. :thumbsup:
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LOL, I am going with winning as the goal no doubt. You have to believe you can or why go. But I do understand reality, and that is the fact that it will not be easy and you need a ton of luck to go along with a good dog. No matter what it will be fun to meet people from all over the US, run in the prairies of Nebraska, and watch a bunch of great dogs. 5 dogs from our club will run, 2 of which will be mine:thumbsup:. It is cool to have both of my dogs qualified alone. And Odie boy gets to play in both Nationals. I just got done training for the water test in case I get lucky to be there at the end. I made River fight through 30 yards of thick green flooded canary grass and swim 70 yards in ice covered water 3 times. Then climb a 60 degree angle bank 30 yards. She delivered to hand all 3 times. So were about as ready as we can be. I just hope for no bad luck, the chance to show off, great gunning, monster retrieves, and moving birds. If I get that the dogs will do their part.:thumbsup: Thanks Coot ya big softy :D. But at 3 and 4 years old, if it does not work out this year, I think I will, and hope I get another chance.
FCS, All the hard work you and the pups do in training will pay off.:thumbsup:

Good luck and have a great time.:cheers:
1. The Dog
2. Tooth Brush
1. Dogs
2. Tooth brush
3. Whistle
4. Extra special treats for the new NFC:cheers:

Good luck Ken, thanks for breeding top of the line bird dogs/ companions.
Is that toothbrush for FCS or the dogs?
This only pertains if FCS is gone for an extended period of time.

6. A change of clothes.:eek:
Congrats to your pups & you, FCS. I'm sure you will all do well . . . the dogs have a great "Alpha" . . .
:( Yes Coot we need lots of help now. I get down here and had to go to the emergency vet. Odie came down with something and now has a fever of 103.9 so he will most likely not get to run. Sucks, but I can still try with the little River dog.
Oh No thats not good:( My dogs alway recover fast with shoots so maybe Odie will if thats what the vet did for him:) Best of luck FCS:thumbsup: Don't think the Ups truck could get browndog there fast enough. Oh that won't work he's alway feeding him doggy snacks so he'd have a belly ache when he got there:D