Favorite olympic event?

Pretty simple question here guys:) Hard to answer because I like alot of them:thumbsup: Speed skating, all the downhill sking, curlying, hockey only hockey I watch. Heck I like all the events:).
Coot that's a tough question :confused: I don't think I can pick a fav. I like them all.:thumbsup:
Curling! I really find it fascinating to watch.

Then Bobsled, Downhill, and Biathalon.

The worst is anything with a snowboard.
Trap shooting
Winter Olympics, getting anxious. Really enjoy all of it. :)

My mantra during the Winter olympics is:

"Humans can't DO THAT !!!!"

Women and Men showing courage and skill-sets that reflect dedication and remarkable talents.

In this order.

Hockey, followed by the Alpine events, then Speed skating. Love the short track speed skating as well.
My least favorite is that Russian guy Figure Skater. :rolleyes:

I'd rather read the phone book. :)
I think they should replace figure skating with women pole dancing:10sign: I've been around the world and trust me theres some serious talent out there:D Think what they would do for a gold medal:10sign:
Tonight watched an event, think it was called "insanity on sticks on the mountain." Not sure.

See, these guys go side-ways, up-side down, twirling in the air, tumbling in the air, summersaulting in the air, with some sticks tied to their feet, then slide up these slopes, backwards and tumbletwirlupsidedownandbackwards off ramps and land going backwards to the finish.

And they LIVE !!!

I think there may be rules, but I'm pretty sure the event was first performed when someone got fire-ants in all their clothes and were pushed backwards off the top of a cliff.

Just insane.

Ah come on Wayne, I dare say I like figure skating.. You got to admit, they do some unbelievable things.

I enjoy the ice dancing and seem to always watch all of it.

Now I feel bad about bad mouthing the Russian guy. :(
He has dedicated his life to skating and now it's over for him.

Lots of pain in his expressions.