Faulkton Nov 1 - 5 - Have spots need dogs

Sounds good, I'll be waiting for your call. I'm still unsure as to what day or days I will be able to make it but I'll be there sometime for sure.

As for the crops, it's not looking good. We are so extremely wet up in the Aberdeen area that some corn won't be harvested until the ground is solidly frozen and that could be after the first of the year. Water is still standing in a lot of corn rows. And the forecast this week is for more rain and/or snow Wed. thru Fri. On a positive note, I hunted in the Orient area (SE of Faulkton) a couple weeks ago during the Resident Only season and it was much drier down there. So it seems if you get 60-70 miles SW of Aberdeen it's not as wet.

Looking forward to meeting you guys. And Buck, we will finally get in the field together! :thumbsup: