Farmer info from Hoisington....not what I wanted to hear.


New member
Just talked to our farmer last night. Beans are cut. Milo is not. Will be soon. Asked if I was still planning on coming out opening weekend or the weekend after, and of course I said I was. He said he had two words for me..."Good Luck." In his round about way, he said there were "no birds." Left me scratching my head because I figured we were in for another good season. Anybody else got any reports from that area??

thanks all.
I'm surprised by that report actually. Let's hope it's b/c his eyes aren't what they used to be:rolleyes:

Did he say what the moisture content was on the milo?
old eye's perhaps

Interesting, I was west of Hosington less than a week ago and unless something happened there hail or something I would say he is wrong from what I saw scouting in the morning,or like KB said BS'n you. I drove right thur and had lunch at the DQ & saw more milo gettin cut than beans.
Only time will tell... Kick'em Up!
I'm in great bend 10 miles south on hoisington. It's very spotty around here. Most milo has been cut unfortunately. No good reports so far. It's weird I've heard great reports further west around hays. But in barton county I think it will be tough finding good quantities but I am hopeful still.
should pretty good from what my buddy has told me, at least south of hoisington anyways. but the best spots in the state from what i hear will around hays
From the 15 years I have hunted around Hays the best hunting has been south of I-70. The land changes into more crop lands, North of I-70 it gets kind of hilly and has more pasture land. My friend down by Liberal is saying he is seeing good number of birds.
