Fallow Rocks!


Active member
Guys hunting my place are seeing most bird in fallow prevent plant field. Disked some strips black and rest is fallow and weeds like Kochia. Also had to hit it with roundup late in summer. This is also where webguy shot his quail. Another group put the covey up again later on and said it was about 30 birds.

Be nice to see more fallow in rotations like in old days but not likely now.
It sure does. I notice that down here in Missouri the prevent fields grow up in high density ragweed, probably supressed in the soil for years. All about elbow high, the birds we have are in it,along with a huge variety of songbirds. Obviously good for everybody. With crop prices as they are, we may never see this again in a lifetime. Maybe we could encourage a govt. program to foster it!
I target weeds pretty heavily during midseason SD pheasant hunts. The birds love them (food & cover) and most hunters ignore them and go straight for the CRP or cattails.

Weed eradication and maximum production is religion in todays farming culture. Don't see that changing anytime soon.

It sure produces a lot more revenue but I often wander if the margins for the farmer are any better with all the extra input costs.
When I see opportunities I try to encourage those planting for deer that plots need not be weed free since this is better than a monoculture typically for all kinds of wildlife, pheasants included!

Personally I think the easiest/cheapest method to improve pheasant habitat, at least in my area, is with disturbance discing. Unfortunately many folks think that the resulting "weeds" don't look pretty. :(
The wheat/fallow rotation used for decades in western Kansas was one of the most productive for pheasants ever. Oooooooo I miss those days!