I hunted turkeys in the fall a few times as a teenager. I've also hunted spring turkeys, but that is much different IME. My boys have really been bugging me about taking 'em turkey hunting and momma wants a couple in the freezer. Given that baseball consumes our spring(s), and we're taking a year off of wrestling, we're going fall turkey hunting.
What's the best way to bag one during the fall season? I've belly-crawled down dry creek beds in the past and had great success. However, I'm not real comfortable belly-crawling 150yards with an 8yo and an 11yo, who will be carrying guns; maybe when they're older and more experienced, but not right now.
Should I set up a blind and just do my best to be in range as they walk by, then ambush them? Or should I figure out how to break 'em up and call 'em back? Which of these 2 methods do you believe is most effective and why?
I think it would be fun to let the dogs break up a flock of turkeys and try to call 'em back, but I'm no pro with a turkey call and I'm not even sure what sound they make to call a flock back.
Thanks in advance to all who are willing to take the time to respond and share their knowledge!
I hunted turkeys in the fall a few times as a teenager. I've also hunted spring turkeys, but that is much different IME. My boys have really been bugging me about taking 'em turkey hunting and momma wants a couple in the freezer. Given that baseball consumes our spring(s), and we're taking a year off of wrestling, we're going fall turkey hunting.
What's the best way to bag one during the fall season? I've belly-crawled down dry creek beds in the past and had great success. However, I'm not real comfortable belly-crawling 150yards with an 8yo and an 11yo, who will be carrying guns; maybe when they're older and more experienced, but not right now.
Should I set up a blind and just do my best to be in range as they walk by, then ambush them? Or should I figure out how to break 'em up and call 'em back? Which of these 2 methods do you believe is most effective and why?
I think it would be fun to let the dogs break up a flock of turkeys and try to call 'em back, but I'm no pro with a turkey call and I'm not even sure what sound they make to call a flock back.
Thanks in advance to all who are willing to take the time to respond and share their knowledge!