Ever Eat Lead?


Well-known member
Ever ingest lead while eating game meat? What happened, if anything?
Um, you poop it out?

Unless you are ingesting a LARGE amount, I'm pretty sure you will be ok.

But then again, I might be wrong, I'm not a doctor.

Most of us have consumed plenty of lead through the consumption of wild game.

It's been unintentionally eaten for generations. When we eat wild game taken by lead shot each pellet leaves behind a "lead trail" within the muscle fibers of the game bird or mammal. Plus, we may consume a lead pellet here and there too.

The problem with lead especially applies to babies and young children due to brain development (and damage to other organs). From what I understand, the brain can mistake a lead molecule for a protein. It then puts the lead in place of where the protein should go within the brain and can affect the nervous system if levels get high enough.

I don't know the exact numbers but the effects of this are rare and effects 1 out of some million/millions of children. Hopefully someone else knows a bit more on the subject.;)
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Other than making a "pinging" sound when you take a crap, small amounts won't hurt you. The main problem with lead has to do with lead baded paint in residential housing. It mainly leads to developmental problems in children under 6 years of age. Although adults can get lead toxic by injesting large amounts, it is typically limited to manufacturing jobs, or someone who works around lead dust. Even though lead was outlawed in residential paint products in 1978, there is still plenty of it out there in old houses, and some commercial paint. The reason they used it is it was great in the paint, kinda like asbestos.
Any of you ever eaten or observed smoked pheasant or anything shot with lead shot? Well!:eek: you can see the trail of lead through the meat.
I cut the trail out, :)

I think I may have missed some.:(:eek::eek::confused:
Never knowingly eaten any,not a big concern for me.I can say first-hand it would be more pleasant than being hit in the face by it.
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Phil Robertson said he had an uncle that had something like 50 pellets accumulated in an inflamed appendix. The lead didn't cause the appendicitis he said.
Never knowingly eaten any,not a big concern for me.I can say first-hand it would be a more pleasant than being hit in the face by it.

How about a photo? :p
Phil Robertson said he had an uncle that had something like 50 pellets accumulated in an inflamed appendix. The lead didn't cause the appendicitis he said.

I've heard before of lead accummulating in the appendix.
How about a photo? :p

No pics,just a little advice.When you are about to be robbed by some meth freaks,just shoot 'em,then tell it to the judge.He'll probably give ya a medal.
Appendix designed to catch all sorts of non-digestible stuff from popcorn to rings and coins. When I was a kid we learned to pick the pellets out of the meat when we cleaned them along with the little bits of feather that the shot pulls in with it. The shot lodged along bone, or ones we missed, we picked out at the table. I have always really made an effort not to eat shot. I would recommend that to everyone. Otherwise the government may have to put you on a list like the Condor, a critter which needs to be saved from itself. Probably some residual lead left in the game even after shot removal, but compared to the pesticides, heavy metals, and herbicides ingested by the average gamebird, and subsequently by you, why worry.
Exactly why I eat all the feathers and throw away all the meat.:laugh: But if you start using copper coated lead, by the time your 90, your apendix might be worth $2.69

<oh my gawd, i am laughing so hard i'm snorking!>