We have this same tired discussion every month on here somewhere. It always ends in acrimony, and hurt feelings. Since this is the Kansas section, the legal answer is party hunting is illegal, as far as I know, it isn't legal anywhere there are pheasants, worth mentioning, but Minnesota. As far a killing two birds with your last shot, What's the difference between an errant shot which kills an extra rooster, or an errant shot which kills a hen? or a Bald Eagle? or your friends dog? or your friend! Simple matter of a carless shot. We have all made mistakes, endeavor to do better, but there is no defense, for me or you, if you get caught your going to get fined. Now those are the legal perameters, there will be dozens of defenders of party hunting come rushing as usual to defend what they do regularly. Party hunting is difficult to prove, I doubt whether anyone but a Federal Waterfowl Agent with binoculars would even try, does it matter? Up to you to decide. The way that you ask the question, seems to indicate to me that you have already made a choice, and are asking for vindication. Well you won't get it from me. If your on solid ground morally and legally, you don't need vindication or approval from anyone here, if your wrong on the issue, approval or vindication from any or all of us here won't matter.