election fun


New member
are any of you guys getting tired of political polls? i am. i use to just hang up. now i answer them. most of the polls are automated. just press 1 0r 2 to answer the question. last night i was a 99 year old female latino,democrat, who voted for mcain last election. that the economy is great and havent seen many negative ads this election. also an active union member and a labor leader. and campains for romney door to door. this ought to screw up some ones poll data:D:D i say if the pollsters ruin a good nap screw with there results:cheers:
are any of you guys getting tired of political polls? i am. i use to just hang up. now i answer them. most of the polls are automated. just press 1 0r 2 to answer the question. last night i was a 99 year old female latino,democrat, who voted for mcain last election. that the economy is great and havent seen many negative ads this election. also an active union member and a labor leader. and campains for romney door to door. this ought to screw up some ones poll data:D:D i say if the pollsters ruin a good nap screw with there results:cheers:

I wish a real person would call because I would really like to tell them what I think and to thank them for calling as I was getting ready to eat or what ever, seems like they have ESP and know when ever I am doing something. Yeh I would give them an ear full, well I guess not because they would hang upm on me pretty quick like. :D
I had a call what 4-5 years ago person asked if I was busy. I said just give me a minute while I finish my job. I started grunting and groining and making all sorts of stupid noises. He finally asked what job are you doing Sir. I said I'm taking a S##T:eek: click:D Wonder how they polled that one:)
BAD JMAC BAD:mad::D I always liked freedom of speech:thumbsup: I know it's a rule, but Alot of brave men and women died so we have that right. I guess Jmac should of said I love all gov't no matter how much they steal from us:eek:
Way to go Blackcloud, baiting guys into doing stupid crap. I guess you have had a lot of practice with a brother like Coot. I live in a politically dead state. We barely get any presidential stuff. The chances of our state going Dem are about as good as Coot being asked to teach math:D
hi jmac. i know you werent calling me stupid. if you were it was no big deal. i get called alot worse things at work and family reunions:cheers: this is a very important election and everyone PLEASE VOTE. what i hate is pollsters trying to predict a winner ahead of time and making people feel that thier vote wont make a difference.
Erection fun? I'm not that kind
hi jmac. i know you werent calling me stupid. if you were it was no big deal. i get called alot worse things at work and family reunions:cheers: this is a very important election and everyone PLEASE VOTE. what i hate is pollsters trying to predict a winner ahead of time and making people feel that thier vote wont make a difference.


I am the one that needs to apologize for my post to both you and Britchaser. I used BC meaning, because, and I think some, you and Britchaser, may have thought it was directed at the two of you. I was not calling anyone stupid. As a veteran, I take politics very serious, when I feel that the freedoms and liberties I fought for are being jeopardized. I am done with this thread.:cheers:
thanks for serving our great country. if more people would be this passionet about it it would be a better place.:cheers: i take the election very serious it all the pollsters i cant stand. no offense was ever taken. have a cold one and dream up some crap to give coot.

I am the one that needs to apologize for my post to both you and Britchaser. I used BC meaning, because, and I think some, you and Britchaser, may have thought it was directed at the two of you. I was not calling anyone stupid. As a veteran, I take politics very serious, when I feel that the freedoms and liberties I fought for are being jeopardized. I am done with this thread.:cheers:

Thank you for the apology, but I did not think that your use of BC meant BritChaser and was directed to me. True, you were not calling any particular person stupid, but you used the word "stupid" to characterize all who disagree with the political view you expressed. I, too, am a veteran but one needn't be a veteran to take politics seriously, something I did well before I served in the armed forces, or to be entitled to respectful treatment. Thank you again for apologizing.
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Thank you for the apology, but I did not think that your use of BC meant BritChaser and was directed to me. True, you were not calling any particular person stupid, but you used the word "stupid" to characterize all who disagree with the political view you expressed. I, too, am a veteran but one needn't be a veteran to take politics seriously, something I did well before I served in the armed forces, or to be entitled to respectful treatment. Thank you again for apologizing.

Yes sir,

I do.
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