Early 1950's Browning Light 12 Gauge Shotgun Potentially for Sale


Well-known member
I inherited a 1950's Browning Light 12 a couple of years ago. I cleaned it up and used it last year off and on. I shot well with it and it performed well. I refinished it but didn't get several scratches out of the wood, so I will most likely go over the wood again and do a better job. That said, after I get the wood cleaned up a bit, I am contemplating selling the gun and am curious whether someone on this forum would be interested?

It has two barrels, one is a 27” modified and the other is a 30” full choke.
The beauty of varnish is you can sand it with a fine grade of sand paper and put more on. Thin the varnish with paint thinner the first coat probably 2 ounces of thinner to 2 ounces of varnish. Dont glomb it on go thin. I varnished teak for 25 years on my sailboat and never ever left a run in it.
Not really interested but, had the opportunity to trade for one a while back. I was impressed at the weight and feel. Came up good but looked to have aftermarket wood so I passed.
I have three shotguns and don't need but one and a backup. I shoot the Browning reasonably well but I have a Remington that I shoot really well with and right before I gained the Browning I picked up a new Stevens Auto and I really like that gun.