Dutch Oven Cooking


Active member
Just wondering how many of you cook with Dutch Ovens and what are some of your favorite recipes? I personally have 6 camp Dutch Ovens and try religiously to cook a meal a week out of them for the family.
Dutch Ovens are great. We got into crock pot. I do it mostly.
Start it up in the morning, when we get home 5:30 or so MAN!! the house is smellin good, Supper is as fast as we can get er on the plate.:10sign:
My aunt can make some mean desserts on a dutch oven. Apple or cherry cobler tastes even better when you're camping at the lake!
I cook ribs, whole chickens, biscuits and gravy, Pheasant biscuits and gravy, corn bread casserole, Teocalli beans, Halibut w/ parmesian , Prime rib roast, Peach and Cherry cobblers, and Cheese cake. I am sure there is more, but these are my favorites. Plus you get to drink beer while watching the hot coals. You really don't have to be there every second, but my wife doesn't know this. If you all want to try one of these I will list my recipe. Here is my bean recipe.

1/2 lb. burger, elk works great
1/4 lb. bacon
2 cans pork & beans
1 can kidney beans ( drain )
1 can butter beans ( drain )
1 small onion (optional )
1/4 cup ketchup
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
1 tblsp. vinnegar
1 tblsp worchestershire sauce

Brown the burger, add the cooked bacon in small chunks, add remaining ingrediants. Bake @ 350 for 30-45 min. If using a Dutch Oven, 8 coals on the bottom and 16 on top.
3 breasted Pheasants, Grouse, or Chicken
Brown , quickly, in flour and oil and any of your favorite seasonings
Mix the following
1- 26 ounce can cream of chicken soup
1- 26 ounce can water
1 cup warm water w/ 1/2 Tsp of chicken base paste
1/4 cup fine chopped onion or minced
Pour over the meat that you Browned quickly and let cook@ 300 for 1-1/2 hours. Then I throw my biscuits right on top of the gravy and meat and cook about 15 minutes until done. 7 coals on the bottom , 14 on top. you can do this in your oven as well, but you might cook your biscuits separate . make sure , if done in the oven that it is covered as well. Good Luck.:cheers:
Maynard, Thought I would post this for you, since you sound so hungry!!LOL
Last nights RIBS:cheers:
That looks so good. Dutch oven ribs? Any secrets to share since I shared all my secret fishing spots around Dodge?
Maynard, I have a few secrets, what kind are you looking for? I don't have a fishing hole like yours though!!!!!! LOL
I have several dutch oven's from small to giant. I have three wood cook stoves I use in our places. I love to cook on them and cast iron cookware is the norm. I make some mean home made baked beans in them.



Sorry no cast iron in these pics(other then the stove) but I love to cook on my cook stoves
Geez Point! Now I got to have one of those in my shack:) The wood cook stove.:cheers: