Dove birds!

jalapeno dove poppers

First soak in Lime Juice, salt, pepper and garlic for ½ to 1 hour
1. cut the meat from the breast bone into little medallions
2. take one slice of jalapeno and a small slice of pepper jack cheese and put it in the center of dove medallion.
3. fold the meat over with the japlapeno and cheese in the center and then wrap with a slice of bacon, use tooth picks to hold them together and toss them on the BBQ!!

Now this is gooooood eatin!
I think it never fails that a couple days before Sept 1st we will have a cold snap and most of the birds move on. This year I wouldn't mind missing out on a few doves for some cooler temps that's for sure. I'm heading up to Marshall county to see if I can't miss a couple off some wheat stubble. I'll miss opening day and have to start the season on Sunday because someone scheduled a football game that day. It is a 6 o'clock start so I'll have to be up early getting primed for some K-State football. :cheers:


whos kstate?
There is a pigeon race for that day, I'll probably keep the pigeons in and skip that race. Too many people don't know the difference or don't care.
dove is on of my farvorite game meats to eat. Dove breast in wild rice, Dove wraped in bacon on the grill, dove fried nuggets in dipping sauce, baked dove in muschroom shoup. The familys favorite is hot dove nuggets. use what ever coating mix you like I use egg wash and seasoned flour, fry them then coat them with your favorite hot wing sauce add a cold beverage of your choice and enjoy. I am starting to see tons of doves here in Indiana, cant wait nor can the labs
4.5 more days of this work crap and we'll be rushed out of our beds by our alarm clocks to officially kick off the wingshooter's fall season:cheers: How's that for a run-on sentence?

The public land is a mess on the opener, but I've actually had some good times watching other folks hunt. I can't believe how much they miss though:eek: Last year me and 3 other guys showed up at our trucks at about the same time. We took our time unloading birds, guns, getting drinks/snacks, pettin' dogs and talkin' to our friendly local CO. We'd all limited in less than 2hrs so we stood by and listened to what sounded like a war. For every 100 shots fired there were maybe 10 dove that feel......don't know about you guys, but I cannot afford to hit 1 bird for every 10 shots I take:D
Pass It On - Outdoor Mentors will be taking a bunch of kids to the KDWPT managed sunflower fields on the McPherson Wetlands opening morning. KDWPT has reserved a 30-acre sunflower field for youth/mentor hunters.

Also putting together a similar hunt in Topeka.

Nothing better than getting some kids out burning up some ammo!

Hope everyone has plans to take a kid along!

Mike C.
4.5 more days of this work crap and we'll be rushed out of our beds by our alarm clocks to officially kick off the wingshooter's fall season:cheers: How's that for a run-on sentence?

The public land is a mess on the opener, but I've actually had some good times watching other folks hunt. I can't believe how much they miss though:eek: Last year me and 3 other guys showed up at our trucks at about the same time. We took our time unloading birds, guns, getting drinks/snacks, pettin' dogs and talkin' to our friendly local CO. We'd all limited in less than 2hrs so we stood by and listened to what sounded like a war. For every 100 shots fired there were maybe 10 dove that feel......don't know about you guys, but I cannot afford to hit 1 bird for every 10 shots I take:D

1-for-10 certainly wouldn't be the goal, but if I end up blowing through a brick of 100 shells and collect 10 doves, that still sounds better than sleeping in!