done with Pheasant country

Just found this website/forum this afternoon. I'm from north east IL. Been hunting pheasant and other game for 28 years now. I'm a hunting/trapping safety instructor for the IL-DNR. Member of several pro-gun and pro-hunting groups.
Welcome Trap and Hunt! You'll enjoy it!
Sorry, TRAPnHUNT, didn't mean to misspell!
Yep, Same here! Goodby Pheasant Country, Hello UPHF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gove county britts

Hello, my name is joe anderson i am 32 have been hunting the elusive pheasant since i was 8 had my first bird dog at age 10 wouldnt be without at least one . I live in grainfield ks right along I-70 between colorado border and kansas city thank you to whom ever startedbsite for us:10sign: this we
Welcome to UPH Joe, nice to see you here. Hope to see you here often.---Bob
Hey Steve and Joe, welcome to the Forum! Glad to have you here. Just nothing but a great time and super info, and the people here are fantastic! Hope you enjoy and again, welcome.

not me i just ment that we have probably seen you guys on the road if you have hunted gove county. we may have even talked in the locall restaurant.