dogs acting weird???


i know all of us on here have the "ITCH" but what about your dogs? do you think with the colder temps that they know that the season is right around the corner? my dog seems to have more energy and looks a me wierd all the time since last week. yeah i think he knows.
You can bet your dog does. He is just wondering "when." I have taken mine afield on Pheasant a few times just let him know yes, the real thing is coming.......Bob
cant hardley wait. and i know he cant. i got 16 more days to go.
This will be mine's first hunting season but I notice when we go to the field for some excercise and a little training he has a lot more energy and has his nose down a lot more. Couple of days ago he kicked up somekind of young crane. He will learn a lot in the next few months.:)
Mine definately knows hunting is almost upon us. I start doing more conditioning with her to get her ready, and the cooler weather is a sign for her also that hunting is getting near. Also, when I get the guns out and start putting a little more oil on them, they know......