Dog waterer for the field


New member
I've done some searching on here and some other places online and can't seem to find what I am looking here goes my shot at trying to describe it and see what happens - a gentleman I have hunted with a couple of times in Faulkton SD (he lives in/near Huron I believe) has a waterer for his dog that is metal, square type design 12 x 16" (+)(-), holds about a gallon or two and turns upside down when stored (does not leak) but when turned over the reservoir fills and allows the dog to drink. The design has some chambers inside that either allows the water to release or keeps it contained depending on which direction it is in. I believe someone came up with the design and sold some as a fundraiser or something, but I can't remember exactly...I've just happened to join up with him a couple of times over the last few years as part of a larger group of hunters and the last couple of years I have been neglectful in getting his name and some more info on where I could get one - my bad. I am not even sure if this is something that is available "commercially" or if there were just a few made. Hopefully, someone on here will know what I am talking about & be able to point me in the right direction to find one.

Thanks for any info and sorry for the loooong post!
I have two "Kennel Spring" water boxs and I swear by them. They are indestructable and spill proof if not over filled.
Yikes, $55. I'm sure it works great, but knowing me as I do, it would take all of about a week before I drove off and left the thing sitting in the field. I will stick to cutting my plastic folgers cans in half. :D
55 dollars CHRIST O fridays i have made them before and it never cost 55 dollars to build 1 of those hell i could have been a million dollars by now
@ zeb - yeah, those look like pretty much the same idea (gravity fed) and better than $55 for sure - I'll try and find one here locally if I can. You know anytime something is "diamond plated" the price is automatically inflated - oh well.

@ gsp - I hear ya, whenever I get my waterer I'll just tie a cord to it and attach it to my truck so i dont drive off w/o it :laugh:

Thanks all -
I'm straying a bit, but I use a cooler. You know, the one about the size of a six-pack with a hinged lid. Fill it full of water, open lid, dog drinks, close lid, done. Water stays cold and won't freeze in the back of the truck unless bitter cold. Tie a rope to the handle and I never forget it. I bet you can pick one up in your own garage or any garage sale for a few bucks.

In the field, water bottles, carried in my vest.
JMc - that's a good idea and I've got a least two of those small coolers at home, I could def make one my "waterer". I also carry water bottles while in the field. It's nice to put something on the ground for her to drink out of when we get back to the truck, while we're gathering and recounting the hunt - which normally includes the phrase - "I don't know how I missed that one rooster, he was RIGHT THERE!!!" - :laugh:
JMD, you are right on with that phrase; we have all said it more than once, I'm sure.

The advantage of the small cooler (IMHO) is that the lid doesn't come off or get lost, you don't have to have a bowl, it holds a couple of gallons of water, it has a handle, and water stays clean and cool. Pouring ice cold water on a below freezing day can be a pain. With the cooler, you just set it down, open the lid, and done. The only disadvantage I have encountered is not anchoring it down while moving or while dogs are loose in the truck...then you have a cold wet mess.

Best of luck with your choices!
Im afraid I dont see the advantage of these boxes. I just use a cooler and a colapsable bowl. I have a 2 gallon and 5 gallon cooler depending on the length of the trip.