@Homeboy: Oops my bad, didn't mean to ruffle your feathers!
You asked an open question, I qualified be4 my generalized comment that I don't know ANY of the particulars on you personally...I still solidly stand by my belief that very few if any dogs in the entire world can or will exclusively hunt only roosters over hens. This ain't my first rodeo either, I have been a party to killing thousands of birds of all kinds from upland to waterfowl over the last 3-4 decades & been around an awful lot of GOOD dogs besides my own...Each to his own, all I say to ANYONE (not just you) about the roosters-only thing is PROVE IT publicly with ample unbiased witnesses & heck I'll be a believer & your first disciple too!!!
Been a lot of sasquatches, UFO's & "black panthers" sighted in strange out of the way places too - so far no one's ever produced a bona-fide specimen for the museum/history-books (grainy pics & "footprints" over the shoes don't count)...
I don't much care for the dog-like "hackles raised" & posturing/snarling that we hunters sometimes exhibit, & the general lack of it on this site compared to others is one of the reason's I'm on here - but since we both seem to be pissing/marking a little on this post, I'm not so sure about your confession of deliberately "dropping a hen for training purposes"? Hopefully it was one of those pen-raised/released-birds on a preserve that you don't like or Oh Well, at 12 yrs at least you're past the statute of limitations...
BTW, I'm not much of a pen-raised bird fan either, other than for pre-season training purposes which I definitely utilize! :thumbsup:
@sdtEvgn: I totally agree on everything you had to say & ain't that a MIRACLE, cause Lord knows how much trouble you & I have agreeing on anything!
BTW, I'm down for the 23rd and/or 24th! :cheers: