I am not a vet but have you tried apoquel? It works wonders for allergies in dogs but is expensive. If it’s not allergies it could be a case of mange. Especially if your dog has been in contact with dead or wild animals.my 4.5 year old lab has been dealing with a skin issue since April. one vet thought it was a skin infeciton and we have tried antibiotics. another vet in the same office thinks it is an allergy of some sort and we've tried seveal different foods, all to no avail. she next option is allergy shots.
in the meantime, my buddy is itching and scratching like made and has developed heavy dandruff and a dry coat. what shampoo can i use to alleviate the itching and dandruff while we figure out if we have some kind of allergy?
We had a dog that came back from the groomer and developed a case of mange after a couple of weeks. The groomer must have groomed a dog with mites and it infected our dog. Our dog developed dry scaley skin and scratched like crazy enough to where he lost most of his hair except on his head. We tried everything changed his food, took away his treats. It was terrible. I ended up washing him weekly with a Chlorhexidine shampoo. It took a long time about a year, but it finally cured it. And all his hair came back.