To answer the question on the topic title. Does every dog need an e collar? The answer is NO. It should be a rarity that you "Need" an ecollar. I have one, yes, as a tool in the box, and yes, I do use it. But very rare. I have 4 dogs here right now that have never had one on, one is steady, one being steady, one going to start the steady process, and one just starting to get shot birds. My 3 all age trial dogs, 2 of which are field champions, have not needed a collar in God knows how long. All 3 I did use it, but maybe a total of an hr the entire life of the dog as far as training goes. I do introduce all dogs to them eventually so they understand low level stimulus if I ever need it. And for hunting for safety. Some places I will strap it on if there is something that can cause harm to the dog. All dogs may break or run wild for any dumb reason at any time. I don't use it till the dog is steady to flush wing and shot. Positive reinforcement goes a long ways in training a dog. And the way most novice trainers should stick to. OK, for example everyone gets to a point where the dog is chasing fly aways right? Well maybe not some pointers, but flushing dogs will mostly chase, which is good. Its what I want. Shows desire, helps a solid "flush". Which is what you want in any "flushing" breed... Simply get some pigeons, go to a vast big field void of hazards, cars etc. toss em in and and let the dog flush em. Let him see you plant. Let him chase till he cant chase no more. Whistle him back, and each time he comes, and responds to your whistle, throw the clip wing or dead in your vest for him to retrieve. As soon as he can see you and coming back. Just toss it high in the air. He will fly over to it and fetch it up all happy. Start saying no when he chases, keep tossing up the bird after calling him back as soon as he sees or looks at you on his return. Pretty soon, no shots no retrieves on them fly aways, he figures it out. Flush, "NO!", no chase, reward. Simple and no collar.

There is a method to the madness that works for everything mostly with no collar. No matter the breed. Why there is novice dog owners, and professional trainers. I would not buy a dog from lines that have to be forced to do anything for generations. If you have to force break dogs every generation for example, your not breeding natural ability. They are of little value to me. Why buy that when the next guy has pups 9 weeks old retrieving pigeons, and loving it? That's the first place to start in order to save headache. Get a pup from lines of dogs that do the tasks on their own, not from the ones that are forced to do something they don't want to. Most things are hereditary, even a certain annoying whine from mom to a pup

. We hear about the retrieve a bunch. "Force", well there is a difference in force breaking, and a simple polish. Most hunting dogs don't even need that "polish" If it "needs" "Force" to do tasks, it should be removed from the gene pool. Just my 2 cents.