do you consider guided hunts really a hunt?


drove all the way to Michigan because my nephew said I had to try someting

Now all you need is a 150 hrs evinrude on there and your all set.
yeah right- nephew said come on up we'll do a layout boat duck hunt-
I had no idea- but he said it was payback for all the times he came down quail hunting- didn't know what he was talking about-

I arrived at his house at 11:00pm- kids were all excited- all I could do is talk

4:00 am he's shaking me awake- sheese- get your coffee and lets get

he has something laying across the front of his speed boat- we drive for over an hour- he backs in- unloads the speed boat- fires up the motor- time to go

man- I said what the heck are we doing- he smiles

cold- we scream out on Lake St Clair- think he's trying to show quail hunting is nothing

he's idlying the big boat- laying out an ungodly amount of decoys-

lets the thing slide off the bow- drops something tied to the front- something tied to the back- says jump in- I'm a bit crazy- but hey now- it's dark-

so gingerly I slide over the side and into this thing- he hands me a nice gun- his Beretta auto 12 and a box of shells- I go- one box! he says you shoot those and we change- lay down and don't move- he opens the motor and he's gone- sheese it's dark-

starts to get a bit light- I peek- decoys strung out in double strings all over the place- what the heck is this- hey! look at that- something is coming and flying low right into the tail of the 4 decoys- oh those are ducks- they come right at me but swing right- I fire and something falls-

damn- that hurt- my chin is sore- think I've broken a bone- shoulder hurts-
hot damn here more come- this time I sit up- two are flying low and right over that long line- I raise up and fire- 2 drop- holly criminy- that one also hurt- but now I'm into it-

I holler into the 2 way- bring me more shells- chuckle on the other end- speed boat comes flying up- he's got a fish net- he goes quite aways away- what the heck- I dropped them pretty close-

he pulls alongside this thing I'm laying in-
what the heck is this I'm shooting-
he goes- I listened and used the shells you recomended for quail
just some hot loads I made of 2's and 4's

total blast- he was my guide and didn't allow me to do anything- 5 days
it was- being that I went in blind it was awesome

unless windy/choppy the diving ducks didn't move arround- dang little thing would bob arround pretty good- interesting shooting-

3rd day he called his brother in Colorado- they set up a next year horseback elk hunt- again they did most everything- I just had to show up

played with a couple bulls for two mornings- took a cow the 3rd-

nothing wrong with guided hunts
if you think about it the majority of us go on guided hunts every year whether its with family or that ol buddy who has been wanting you to come down and hunt
I dont think there is anything wrong with guided hunts as long as there is fair chase. I dont think shooting a deer over a timed feeder is all that fair but thats my opinion. I have gone on guided goose hunts in Rochester MN. I think its a great opportunity to learn from people that hunt day in and day out. If I pay $125 to $200 for one day and it helps me put more game in the bag the rest if my life it was well worth it. Game farms are great practice for the dog and are a great tool for getting new people into bird hunting.
you'd pay 125.00 to 200.00 a day- whew- you want to come down here I'll guide you

Im just saying if the guide could teach me something it could be worth it.
I do a lot of waterfowl hunting and if I im out of state sometimes its just cheaper to pay for a guide than bring all your stuff. Decoys, Scouting and obtaining permision is a lot of time and money sometimes its nice to just show up. Dont get me wrong I love to do those things on my own but sometimes you have time constraints to deal with.
if you think about it the majority of us go on guided hunts every year whether its with family or that ol buddy who has been wanting you to come down and hunt

You got that right:thumbsup:. If things work out I'll be guiding a fellow upher on some quail and possibly a rooster or two up here, then he'll be guiding me on some desert quail later on. Nothing wrong with that.
So what I'm thinking.
Those that are working at it, making a living, at least in part.
Care very much for game species and habitat and the future of our sport.
Yup! for sure! outfitters and guides are doing their service, for the good..:thumbsup:
Here's what I'm thinkin....UGUIDE!

But seriously, I didn't think to much about guides when i first came to SD because I never needed one or so I thought. Then a buddy of mine had 2 of his buddies come out and hunt with us. They guided and raised GSP's prefessionally and they both kicked butt on the pheasant and I got my eyes opened. Now when a group of novices come in without any dogs or expereince we require a guide or they will get their arses handed to them by these wild birds and then they would go away mad:mad:

So guides are a great add-on service to offer with UGUIDE hunts when the circumstances warrant them.

If a novice hunter and new dog what to give it a try and/or get trained in by the pheasants and are OK with maybe coming up short then I encouraged them to go unguided.