I see both sides of the issue. And as an aside I have done private preservation work on ground I don't own at my own expense. I think that if you asked them, Pheasants Forever would tell you they are modeled after Ducks Unlimited, easily the most successful organization of it's type, and poster child for the rest which follow. Several issues challenge the effectiveness of this type of organization in preserving pheasants. First, DU started in the thirties, a time when land costs were pennies on the dollar. DU also benefitted by seeking the use of land traditionally valued as worthless or at least to probleatic to farm, and a great deal of Canadian land beyond the tillable limits, a lot of it Crown Land, and quite a bit which was secured by Pitman-Robertson funds. Pheasants Forever has no such advantage in acquisition. Furthermore, PF has to deal with a species which lives it's entire life in a defined territory, if possible. If property can not be managed on a large block scale for both pheasants and quail the value is diminished due to fragmentation of habitat, and susceptability of the resultant population to extreme hazzard from weather,crowding, disease,et.al. The waterfowl can be crowded into comparitablly small refuges for a period of time as they migrate and winter. I agree we shoulddo more individually, but a duck hunter can buy a share in a 40 acre duck marsh next to the refuge, and shoot ducks all season leave it flooded and provide benefit before, after,and during the spring. If you want to shoot quail and pheasant during the season, and provide habitat to sustain it..... I leave it to you to do the math, I have attempted to, and what I see, is that a duck hunter can invest somewhere between $25000 and several hundred thousand, and secure a real difference. The bird hunter better start out with several hundred thousand, and millions would be better. PF and a partnership with the government are a badly needed pairing. I am a supporter of both. But the suggestion of doing it ourselves is to the point, and the only way to acheive success long term. It is an individual vision, but shared by many, and from divergent backgrounds,from tribal councils to magnates of industry,to you and me pooling our meager dollars to provide energy and foster protection of the resource and save ourselves in the process. It's gonna take a heck of a lot, and it's going to hurt, in the end it will by necessity be an effort that dwarves DU. Currently, revenue and conservation measures by PF are approximately 1/10 the size of DU, same can be said of Ruffed Grouse Society, Prairie Grouse Initiative, Quail Forever, Quail Unlimited. We got our work cut out for us.